21|Electricity is Pain

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Taskmaster lay Freya on a cold, metal table before strapping her in. He turned on a bright light above, temporarily blinding Freya. "Welcome, Ghost." Taskmaster snickered before walking out of the room. Deadpool stood in the corner.

    He walked over, and ripped off Freya's black mask. "You're much prettier without that." Deadpool smirked. Freya just rolled her eyes. She didn't care how helpless she was, she wasn't going to show any weakness. Taskmaster walked back in, with a few syringes and tubes.

Freya pulled at her chains as Taskmaster brought the needle closer to her skin. He noticed, and stopped, smirking evilly. "You don't like needles? Oh, this will be so much more fun." He laughed evilly before jamming the needle into her arm, drawing blood. He placed the blood-filled syringe on the cart and rolled it to the back of the room before turning his attention back to Freya.

"Now, where were we? Oh, yes, about to experience pain." He grabbed a remote. "You decide when the pain stops. If you answer our questions, you'll feel no pain. But if you don't..." The Taskmaster began. Freya just glared at him.

"What do you know on the Poisonous Crystal Project?" The Taskmaster asked. Freya didn't move a muscle. Taskmaster sighed and pressed the remote. Electric pulses surged through Freya's body, but she didn't react. She just closed her eyes, and opened them when the pain ended.

"I'll ask you again, who is behind the Poisonous Crystal Project?" Taskmaster asked, a little impatient. Freya mocked him, shrugging. This angered Taskmaster, and he punched the button on his remote. Freya let the pulses run through her body, furrowing her eyebrows to concentrate on something other than the pain.

"This one's tough to crack." Mr. Negative observed. "No shit sherlock, she's the Deputy Director of SHIELD!" Deadpool exclaimed. "Everyone calm down! No one can take the pain much longer." Taskmaster boasted.

They kept asking her the same questions, but Freya stayed silent. And when she stayed silent, the electric pulses flowed through her body. She was starting to lose consciousness. "Deadpool, wake her up." Taskmaster ordered. Deadpool slapped Freya's cheek, forcing her awake.

They still shocked her, and all that was heard was sometimes small hisses from Freya. She was starting to lose consciousness again. Deadpool was about to hit her again when a loud boom came from outside. The criminals got into their fighting stances, ready. "Deadpool, you stay with Ghost. We'll go out and fight." Taskmaster ordered as he and Mr. Negative ran down the corridor.

"Ah, stuck with this one." Deadpool ran his hand down her side. Freya's blue eyes pierced him, but Deadpool ignored it. "What's wrong, sweetie? Don't like Deadpool?" He asked in a childish voice. Freya sighed. This "Deadpool" was very flirtatious. He really thinks I like him? He's an idiot.

Suddenly, Deadpool's watch beeped and he ran out of the room, but not before saying, "Don't go anywhere, sweetie!" Freya sighed angrily. She had to get out of here, and fast. She tensed as another wave of electric pulses flowed through her limbs. She started to lose consciousness as everything went black.

Bucky ran down the corridors, desperate to find Freya. He finally found her, and stepped into a room to see her strapped to a table. She was unconscious, and barely breathing. Bucky put his head to her chest to make sure she was still breathing and her heart was still beating before ripping off the cuffs on her. He threw her over his shoulder and ran back down the corridor, desperate to find an exit.

Bucky was greeted by fighting once he reached the outside. The team brought backup; Carol and Thor came. They were winning, and soon enough, the three criminals tried to retreat, but were instead arrested and cuffed into chairs inside rolling glass prison boxes. (the ones Bucky was put into during Civil War)

The Avengers were just gathering to go when Bucky ran over to them with Freya still over his shoulder. "We gotta get Freya to medical attention, fast." Bucky interrupted. They all crowded onto the Quinjet, and headed back to the tower as quickly as possible.

Bucky laid Freya on the floor and supported her head. She didn't move at all; she was deadweight. "How far are we away from the compound?" Bucky asked. "Not far. Only five more minutes." Nat replied. Bucky tried removing the power-dampening cuff on Freya's leg, but it wouldn't come off.

The Avengers immediately jumped off the Quinjet once it landed. Bucky was out first, holding Freya in his arms and running for the medbay. Bruce was there, waiting for them.

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