24 | Winter Ghost or Scarlett?

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Winter Ghost slowly opened her eyes to find herself in a containment cell. She sighed angrily before standing up and examining the room. She noted the she had a power-dampening cuff on, and there was a code to open the door, considering it was very advanced. She sat back down on the cot in the cell, lost in thought.

Her attention snapped up to the door when she heard the code being punched in. She watched suspiciously as Bucky and Steve walked into the cell, before closing the door behind them. Bucky sat on the end of the bed, while Steve stood by the door. Winter Ghost glared at the two, before turning to Bucky as he spoke.

"Freya? Do you remember me?" Bucky asked, carefully and sneakily scooting towards her. Winter Ghost's eyes flickered back to normal for a second before turning back to their cold form. Bucky sighed. "Little ghost, can you hear me?" He asked. That worked better, but Winter Ghost's eyes still flickered back to its coldness.

With one quick movement, Bucky grabbed Winter Ghost's arm, and stabbed a needle into it. Winter Ghost shifted and looked at Bucky angrily. But her eyes almost immediately flickered slowly back to Freya. "B-Bucky?" Freya asked, unsure of herself.

Bucky smiled. "Where am I?" Freya asked quietly. "You're in a containment cell at SHIELD." Bucky reluctantly explained. Freya looked down. "I relapsed, didn't I?" She asked, fear edged into her voice. Bucky frowned. "Yes. But you were kidnapped by an underground villain headquarters, and they made you Winter Ghost. Freya nodded.

"Welcome back, director." Fury stated as he walked into the room, leaning against the cell wall. Freya nodded to him. "What's the damage?" Freya asked hesitantly, and Fury sighed. "Besides just about killing the Avengers, not bad." He replied. Freya looked down. Bucky tilted her chin with his finger so she was looking him in the eyes.

"That wasn't you, remember?" When Freya slowly nodded, Bucky continued. "There are people waiting for you." Bucky and Freya stood up, and walked to where the others were gathered. Steve and Fury followed close behind.

Nat, Wanda, Clint, and Tony were waiting in the lobby of the Triskellion. "Freya?" Wanda checked. "I'm here." Freya answered, looking at the four with apologetic eyes. Wanda ran and hugged Freya. "I'm so glad you're okay. We were worrying about you a lot. Especially Bucky." Wanda winked at Bucky, and he smirked playfully.

"But I hurt you." Freya whispered as she let go of the hug. Tony put an arm on her shoulder. "Nonsense. That wasn't you. If I've learned one thing about ex-HYDRA agents, its that they have some pretty nasty enemies and relapses." Tony assured her rather strangely. "You could've worded that a little better." Nat commented as she rolled her eyes. Freya smiled.

"Okay, enough with the sweet stuff. Deputy, back to work." Fury butted in. Bucky glared at him for a second, but Freya's returning glare towards him stopped him. Freya smiled in satisfaction before standing next to Fury. Fury nodded and the two walked down the corridor, returning to work.

"You know something, Buck? Sometimes I think that she takes after your fiery but compassionate wife from before HYDRA. But sometimes, she also reminds me of the forties' Bucky, smooth and determined." Steve said as he stood next to Bucky, watching as Freya and Fury walked down the corridor.

Bucky looked at him, and smiled wide. Steve looked at Bucky, and mimicked his smile. Then Bucky's smile disappeared, and he looked down. "I just wish I could've been there for her. You know, watched her grow up, helped her with anything she needed, countless trips to Coney Island." Steve laughed at the last part.

"I just wish the war never happened. Sure, we would be very dead by now, but we probably would've been happier. We would've had our own families, had kids that were best friends. Freya probably would've even had a normal life. She would probably be an older grandma by now, running around with grandkids." Bucky finished.

"I wish that's what happened too, Buck. But life doesn't work that way, and I know you know that. But sometimes I think the friction we have in our lives is good, it helps us grow into the people we are today." Steve said. Bucky nodded his head in understanding. (The friction sentence is a rephrased version of what Gwyneth Paltrow said on the Graham Norton Show. FULL CREDIT GOES TO HER!!!! She is amazing, and she has inspired me soooooo much!)

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