17|Reunited At Last

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Everyone sat on the couch, watching TV. All the Avengers were there. Heck, even the Guardians and the Wakandans were there! It was like a reunion. Bucky decided to take this opportunity to see if Freya really was his lost daughter. He knew this would either turn out as a big embarrassment, or a beautiful reunion.

    Before tonight, he told Steve of his plan. Steve agreed to tell everyone that night. "Attention everyone! I have something to tell you all." Bucky face-palmed as Steve started talking to the group, standing up and walking to the middle of the living room.

    "Bucky has recently found out he had a daughter, and she was born before the war." All eyes looked turned to Bucky, and Wanda let out an "aww". Bucky blushed. Steve continued. "Bucky has reason to believe it was Freya." "But that can't be! Freya doesn't fit the age!" Tony pointed out. "If she was taken into HYDRA, she might have been cryo-frozen like me." Bucky suggested. "He's got a point..." Peter Quill suggested. "Okay, just don't say anything, and let Bucky do the talking. But act normal, I don't want to make Freya uneasy." Steve instructed as heads nodded.

    About 30 minutes later, FRIDAY notified them Freya just entered the building. Bucky had his head in his hands, nervous. "Buck, calm down. It's going to be okay." Steve placed a hand on Bucky's shoulder to calm his friend. Bucky nodded his thanks and relaxed before Freya stepped into the room.

    All eyes were on Freya as she walked into the room. She had her SHIELD uniform still on, minus the belt. It was a black zip-up jacket and matching black pants. She had taken her sound-proof boots off, and was instead wearing white socks.

    All eyes turned back to the TV or each other as Freya sat down next to Morgan, setting her on her lap. Morgan sat back and rested her head against Freya's chest as the two watched TV. Bucky paused for a minute, he wasn't sure what he would say.

    He was still trying to compose himself when Steve nudged him, encouraging him to make his move. Bucky nodded. "Freya? Can I-um, speak to you for a moment?" Bucky asked. Silence. Someone muted the TV. "Sure?" Freya replied inquiringly as she sat criss-cross-applesauce on the floor, across from Bucky. "What's this about?" Freya asked.

    Bucky took a deep breath. "Freya, I need you to remember your life from before HYDRA." Bucky told her. He held her hands as she closed her eyes, trying to remember. After a while, she described what she saw. "I-I remember, um." She paused and furrowed her eyebrows, trying to remember. No one moved a muscle, everyone hardly breathed. "I think my mother. And a man, in a uniform. He had short, slightly curly hair. He had badges on his uniform." Freya described. Bucky widened his eyes a little.

    "Then I remember clinging onto...my mother, trying to escape the hands that held me. I remember kicking and screaming before a hand was clasped over my mouth. The last time I ever saw my mother." Freya continued. "How old were you? Do you know?" Bucky asked anxiously. "F-Five." Freya replied. Some cupped their hand over their mouth, others watched what was going on in front of them intently.

    "Do you remember HYDRA?" Bucky pressed. "I remember being put in a tank, then waking up again, really cold." Freya replied. Some gasped. Freya opened her eyes, alarmed. "Keep going." Bucky nodded gently. Freya nodded and closed her eyes again. "Final question. Do you remember your full birth name?" Bucky asked with damp eyes.

    Freya had to think for a minute, going through all the names she could think of. Finally, she spoke up. The room was dead silent. Everyone intently watched Freya, waiting for the answer. "Freya..." Some closed their eyes, and held their breaths. "M-May..." Tears streamed down Bucky's face, waiting for what she would say next. "Barnes." Her eyes shot open immediately, remembering who her father was. Bucky broke down. "Barnes! Dad!" Freya screamed and the two hugged tightly.

    Bucky looked at Steve for a second, who was also crying. Morgan jumped off the couch and ran to hug Freya. Freya was on her knees, and bent over Morgan, hugging her. Bucky picked Freya up, holding her to his chest, her arms wrapping around his neck. "I thought...I thought...I would never see my daughter again..." Bucky whimpered. "I love you so much, dad." Freya held on tighter.

    Bucky finally set her down. Freya and Bucky both had tear-stained faces. "After all this time, you were right under his nose!" Peter Parker joked. "Yeah, I guess." Freya replied as she wiped away a tear.

    "Who gets to be the mom?" Nat asked. Gamora, Nat, Wanda, Shuri, Carol, Pepper, and Hope all raised their hands up. "Uh, Nat can be the mother. Wanda can be like the cool older sister, and Gamora, Pepper, Carol and Hope are the cool aunts, Shuri is the cool cousin." Steve answered, laughing.

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