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The morning after the wedding reception, Hannah had called me asking what my plans were. I'd looked over at Dyl, making scrambled eggs and toast and my heart sang.

"I'm staying, Hannah. Why?"

I heard Mike whooping in the background and then Dyl's phone began to ring next to him. He glanced at it and winked at me.

"You talking to Hannah?"

I nodded.

"That'll be why Mike is calling," he grinned, dropping a kiss on my cheek and stepping into the living room. It didn't work, I still heard Mike cheer through Dyl's phone and mine. Hannah burst out laughing.

Hannah laughed, "He's so happy for you both. God knows, he's been worried silly about Dyl and now that you're home and staying. Well, I'm happy too."

I smiled, "And now you'll have a babysitter if you need one?"

Hannah gasped, "Shit, Maze. Really? Last night was the first time that Rory slept for eight whole hours. When I woke up, I'd panicked that I'd gone deaf and couldn't hear him crying but when I went into his room, there he was snoring!"

I laughed, "Sure, Hannah. I'm happy to help out. I'm probably going to start my yoga classes again but if you need me all you need to do is ask. I could look after him for two or three days if you like?"

Hannah swallowed, " have no idea how much that means to us."

I leaned back in my chair to catch Dyl's eye, he winked at me and my heart skipped a beat.

"I can take him today for a few hours if you like?"

"That would be brilliant, thank you so much! I'll text you our address and just let us know when you're on the way. Mike! Get off the phone!"

Dyl padded back through and wrapped me in a hug, "I think Mike and Hannah might start the Maze Fanclub."

"I said that I'd look after Rory for a few hours. Do you want to come with me?" I asked.

"Sure, we can take him for a walk along the shore and then have lunch, babies like steak don't they?" Dylan poked my side with one finger and went back to the stove, serving up our breakfasts.

"I have a feeling that Rory would eat a rare steak if he got the chance."

Dyl laughed, "Mike's mum told me that Rory is a mini him. She said she never slept for the first two years of his life because he always escaped out of his cot. She found him in her wardrobe once and nearly had a heart attack."

I roared with laughter, "I forsee a lot of trouble in their future!"


I tucked Rory's blankets closer around him, straightened up and began to push the pram again, laughing as I saw the blankets being kicked away and one small sock covered foot stuck out into the fresh air.

I stopped at a bench that looked out onto the sea and looked down at Rory. He grinned at me, eyes twinkling with mischief and I blew a raspberry at him.

"This is the way it's going to be, huh?"

He babbled and sucked his fist. I smiled and tickled his foot and he broke out into that brilliant baby laughter.

"Giving you hassle?" Dyl appeared at my side and handed me a takeaway coffee. I took a grateful sip and sighed. He sat next to me and rested his hand on my thigh. 

"Do you want kids, Maze?"

"I haven't thought about it, maybe some day. You?"

Dyl nodded, "Yeah, I think so. I was always so jealous at Mike's house, all the brothers and sisters. I wished for a brother so badly. I wanted a family."

He looked at me, fierce determination in his dark blue eyes, "I want that with you."

I kissed his cheek, "I want that too."

Rory babbled in agreement and we laughed before standing and pushing the pram further along the shoreline. 

"I have one year left in my Masters, " Dyl said thoughtfully. "I'm not sure where I go from there."

"What do you want to do?"

"I think I'd like to teach, I'd have to do a teaching course but, yeah, I think that's what I'd like to do."

I tucked my hand into his jeans pocket, "You'd be a great teacher, Dyl."

We walked in silence, Dyl pushing the pram. Rory drifted to sleep and I tucked his blanket around him.

"What do you want to do, Maze?"

"Honestly Dyl? I miss teaching yoga. I love looking after children. I think I'm going to mix them together and start classes for kids. I'm happy here."

Dyl bit his lip and I held his arm tight to stop him. 

"I have to go back to University next week, Maze."

I took him in, his dark hair tucked under a sea green beanie. His dark blue eyes fixed on me, as always. His black thick coat and jeans hid the body and soul of a man that I couldn't be without. 

"I know, Dyl and I'll be here when you come back."

Dyl shook his head, "Maybe I can switch Universities, one closer to home. Closer to you."

I stood up on my tiptoes and tapped his nose with my finger, "It's a year, Dyl. I'll come up at the weekends and you can come back here. You can show me the exciting Uni lifestyle and I'll be here every time you come back."

"Promise me," a gentle plea fell from his lips.

"I promise. Now let's get this little man to the cafe for lunch and you can help me search for a flat, ok?"

Dyl gathered me up in his arms and I breathed him in, his warmth, his love.

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