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I fixed Dad's tie and smiled at him. He grinned back but I could tell he was nervous. I thought back to how he'd been, sickly and drunken and couldn't compare him to the man before me. Jem had been good for him, he was running, eating well and surfing every day. A light tan still covered his skin despite the winter weather outside and when he grinned, it was real. It wasn't because of alcohol. It was because he was happy.

"Mum would be proud of you," I told him. 

His eyes filled with tears and he yanked me into a hug. 

"I'm so proud of you, Dyl. I can't even begin to tell you how much. I'm so glad that we're father and son again."

I held him tight, "Dad, we're friends too."

Dad sniffled in my ear and I patted his back awkwardly, "Come on, Dad. Let's get you hitched."

He laughed, wiping his eyes as he moved away. 

I looked in the mirror and buttoned up my grey suit jacket. Jem had organised this wedding on a military level, she'd sent me links of how she wanted the pale blue ties to be knotted and how to polish our black shoes. I'd roared with laughter but when she'd advanced on me with a look on her face that made my balls draw back up into my body, I'd stopped and begged forgiveness. 

Step-mums, huh?

I brushed my hair back off my forehead and pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose. I'd let my hair grow out, something Mike had constantly been taking the piss out of whenever he saw me. Those days were few and far between though, I was busy with my Masters and he was working with the local Social Work department and enjoying being a Dad for the first time. Hannah and little Rory kept him busy but whenever he called, I could hear the joy in his voice. I wondered if I'd ever have that again.

"..and Maze made it back in time.." Dad's words broke through my train of thought. 

"W..What?" I stuttered, spinning on my heel to stare at him, my mouth open.

Maze was here? She was here?

Dad smiled sheepishly, "She got in last night. I'm sorry Dyl, I didn't know how to tell you. I mean after.."

I shook my head quickly, "It's fine, Dad. I'm just surprised that's all. I didn't expect to see her."

"You'll be ok?" he asked, worry etched on his face.


"Sure," I shrugged. "We've all moved on, it's been years. Now, come on, I don't want to be late. Jem will kill us where we stand."

Dad chortled and fidgeted with his suit jacket. I looked down and realised I was doing the same thing.

"Let's go."

The wedding was held in on one of the promenades that reached out into the sea. Jem had worked with a team of people to construct a white marquee with lamp heaters hanging from the inside. Soft music played from the violinist and accoustic guitar as we waited for Jem with the Registrar who was performing the ceremony. Snow fell outside and Dad reached out to me, giving my hand a squeeze.

"I'm really fucking scared, Dyl."

"Nothing to be scared of, Dad. You're marrying the woman you love. It's not complicated, its not scary, it's love. You're going to be happy together."

He squeezed my hand again as the music changed and Maze stepped into view. My heart jumped into my throat at the sight of her. I wasn't prepared for this. Hell, if I'd known about this for months I still don't think I'd be ready for this. 

Her hair was longer, almost down to her waist and braided into an intricate plait that curved over her shoulder.It was almost white blonde and I felt a lump form in my chest when I saw the strands of blue and purple woven in between them. She was tanned, her eyes downcast and a small smile curling up the corners of her lips.

God, I wanted to see her eyes. 

Maze walked slowly towards us, her long, strapless sky blue dress whispering on the ground.  I took in her collarbone, the curve of where her neck meets her shoulders, the whisper of freckles across her chest. She gripped white lilies in her hands and as she moved closer, I could see she was trembling.

Was she nervous? Was it the cold?

Jem followed behind her, wearing a off white dress made of intricate design. She had flowers woven into her hair and the minute my Dad saw her, I heard him suck a breath that he never seemed to exhale. Maze took her place opposite me and Jem stood beside her, her eyes never moving from Dad's. 

The registrar cleared her throat then began.

Maze kept her gaze fixed on anything but me and it hurt. I was wrestling with my thoughts, torn between so fucking angry with how things ended and how she'd just left without saying anything and wanting to throw those flowers out her hands, pull her towards me and kiss the living daylights out of her. 

The ceremony was over quickly and Dad gathered Jem in his arms and kissed her sweetly. They walked towards the car, posing for the photographer and Maze and I followed them.


Her voice soft and sweet as always set my heartbeat racing.

"Hi," I replied.

"It's..it's good to see you, Dyl." 

I glanced to the side to see her staring at me with those beautiful blue eyes. Warmth radiated over her cheeks when I said nothing and she tugged her earlobe. I itched to reach out and hold her hand. 

But I didn't. 

"Guys, come on! Photos!" Jem hollered at us and Maze sped towards her. I watched her leave and my stomach swooped as I saw what was tattooed across her shoulder blade.

It was constellations of stars.

Maze [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now