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I knew it was Si who had hit Maze. I could tell by her reluctance to tell me, I could tell by the way he acted towards her and the way she acted when she was around him. I was so angry with him that I could feel myself shake with the sheer force of it. My first instinct was to find him and punch him so hard that he'd have to pick his teeth up off of the floor. That was a fleeting instinct, not because I'm scared to fight but because I know that nothing good comes from using your fists. Look at my Dad. Look at me. He's completely lost years of his life through alcohol and I have developed a thin layer of indifference towards him instead of us sharing a normal father/son relationship. 

Maze's phone began to buzz repeatedly and she flinched against me, I pulled her close and dropped a kiss on to the top of her head. 

"I need to get that, it will be Si. He will want to know where I am," she whispered, pulling away from me. Her bruised eye was almost shut but I could see a small glint of that gorgeous blue as she looked up at me. 

"Why?" I asked her. 

The phone stopped buzzing.

Maze's nose wrinkled in confusion, "Why, what?"

"Why does he want to know where you are?"

Maze stuttered, "He..he..just likes to know what I'm doing. He likes to know I'm safe."

Safe? I scoffed internally as the phone began to buzz again, like an angry wasp.

Maze began to search for her phone and when she did, she answered it quickly.


She turned her head away from me and looked out the driver's window. 

"I'm at the beach."

She picked at the steering wheel with one fingernail as she listened to Si. I couldn't make out the words but he seemed to have a lot to say. 

"I know.I'll be there. I'm sorry."

Si ended the call and Maze continued to look out the window. I ran my hand down her back gently.

"Are you.."

"Don't ask me if I'm ok, Dylan. I swear to God, I'll scream if you do." Maze forced out,I could hear her emotions clogging her throat. 

We sat in silence for a while, Maze looking out the window, me looking at her. I remembered all the times we had been together as a group with Mike and Oliver too and how her laugh made everyone grin at her. I remembered the times she would throw herself next to me during their rugby matches and talk about absolutely nothing whilst I hid behind a book, pretending to read when in reality, I was in heaven just hearing her talk to me. I had spent so long watching her from afar and wishing that I could just be close to her when I should have told her that I care about her, that I wish she was mine, that I'd never known that I could love someone the way that I love her. If I had, maybe she would have said yes and she wouldn't be hurting this way.

Because I did love her. 

I swallowed hard, "Leave him, Maze."

She spun back around and looked at me, her expression unreadable, "What?"

"Leave him. Leave Si. I know he's the one hurting you, even if you're not going to tell me. He doesn't deserve you, Maze. Nobody deserve to be hurt," I gulped, continuing before nerves got the best of me, "Be with me."

She continued to stare at me. I felt my heart thunder in my chest, shit, I was just going to say it. I was going to tell her. After all these years, I was going to...

"Get out of my car, Dylan," Her voice was hard and ice cold. 

I've never known a feeling like it as I watched Maze shut herself off to me. She reached back into the seat and grabbed the sunglasses, shoving them back on with shaking hands. 

"Get out," she repeated. 

So I did. As soon as I shut the door, she peeled away from me. Bee's engine roaring loudly as she tore around a corner. I swallowed hard and stared up at the sky.

I'd completely fucked it up.

Maze [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now