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I sat outside the pub with Bee's engine still running. I watched my hands clench the steering wheel so tightly that I could hear the soft leather groaning. 

What had I done? I was going to kiss Dylan! I blinked and stared out the front window, staring at the people sitting on the worn benches smoking cigarettes. I blinked again and I was back there, looking into his intense blue eyes, feeling his hands holding me close. I could see the freckles scattering his nose, his thick black eyelashes. I could feel his breath against my face, I could..

"Maze!" A hard thud on the roof of Bee jolted me back to the present. I peered out and saw a very drunken Si leaning against a very apologetic Mike. I got out and gasped as Si reached out and collapsed against me. 

"Where ya been?" He slurred into my ear. 

"I just finished up at the studio," I replied, knowing that he didn't care. The smell of alcohol oozing out of his pores told me that he wouldn't even remember this tomorrow. 

"Uh, hey Maze," said Mike sheepishly.

I grinned at him, "Hey Mike, what have you been doing to my boyfriend here?"

Mike held his hands up in defeat, "Honestly Maze, this was all Si. Dyl and I only had a beer each in the time it took him to drink four."

"Fucking Dylan," Si muttered. I felt his mouth against my neck as he tried to kiss me.

"Help a girl out here, Mike. You're built like a truck and Si is cutting off the blood supply to my arms."

"Shit, sorry!" Mike moved forward and scooped Si under his arms. I opened Bee's back door and we managed to slide him across the back seats. I buckled him in and moved quickly away from his grasping hands. 

"Can I drop you somewhere?" I asked, closing the door. Si had already fallen into a drunken sleep, his snores rattling Bee's windows. 

"No, I'm good. There's a couple of people from school in there that I want to say hi too," Mike rubbed the back of his neck with his hand and I saw a faint blush skip across his cheeks.

"Is there a girl in there?" I teased. 

The blush deepened.

Mike stuttered, " I mean, yeah, there are girls in there but nobody that I'd want to talk to. I mean, yeah I'd like to talk to them but I mean.."

I burst out laughing, "Ease up Mike, before you hurt yourself."

He glowered at me and knocked my shoulder softly. I felt a jolt of pain run down my back. 

"I better go and get this guy home," I said, breathing deeply through the pain. 

Mike smiled at me, oblivious, "It's good to see you Maze, come and hang out soon. Dyl and I have missed you."

I felt a low shiver run up my arms at the mention of his name, " Have you?"

"Of course, we see you almost as much as we see Si. Actually, do you mind me asking you something?"

I looked up into the sky and saw the dark clouds smudge across the skyline. It was going to rain tonight, thunder too. 

"Sure you can."

"Is Si ok?"

I bit my bottom lip and considered my answer carefully. Si was, most definitely, not ok. I had promised to be quiet. It was my fault, after all.

"He's fine. I think he's just overwhelmed at seeing you both. It's been a long time. Dylan doesn't seem to come back home nearly as much as you do. I think he misses him, you too."

Mike sighed, "Yeah, it's been pretty hard getting Dylan to come home throughout Uni. I thought it was about his Dad but, lately, I dunno. He seems sad but he doesn't want to say."

"Girl trouble?" I suggested, ignoring the flicker of heat at the pit of my stomach.

Mike roared with laughter, "No! Dylan has been a hermit this whole time! He's an excellent wingman but whenever the attention is on him, nope, I've never seen anyone shut down quicker than him."

"Maybe it is his Dad, then?" I suggested. 

The wind picked up and I shivered, despite the thick jumper that Si had insisted I'd wear. 

Mike shrugged, " I dunno, Maze. Maybe you could talk to him?"

I stepped back and my bum hit Bee, "Me? Why?"

"His Dad and your Aunt are a couple now, aren't they? You could talk to him about that and see where it goes. Maybe it would do him good to speak to someone that isn't me or Si."

I glanced into the car. Si had rolled onto his back with his arms crossed over his face. 

"I guess I could, I mean, I'm pretty busy at the studio these days but I'll see what I can do."

Mike flashed his trademark grin at me, "Great, it'll give you time to finish up the conversation you were having earlier."

I stared at him and now it was my turn to blush, "What?"

"You were here earlier, with Dyl. I saw you give him a lift home. Why didn't you tell Si that?"

Thankfully, I was saved by a thudding on Bee's window. Si had woken up and was banging on the glass.

"I need food, Maze. Come on! Let Mike go, quit talking all the damn time!"

Mike frowned at me, "Are you alright?"

I plastered a smile on my face, "Course I am, see you later, Mike. Enjoy your drinks."

I tipped him a wink and climbed back into Bee. Si was leaning over my seat and wound his arm across my neck.

"What were you talking to him about?" He whispered, his breath hot against my ear.

"Just talking about school. Sit back and I'll take you home," I kept my tone calm, my voice low. I watched as Mike walked into the pub, quickly waving as the door closed behind him.

The grip around my neck tightened slightly.

"That's all? School?" He hissed. 

I inhaled gently, "That's all, Si. Come on, let's get you home. Do you want me to stop somewhere for pizza?"

Si released his grip and settled back into the seat behind me, "Sounds great, babe. It'll just be you and me."

I tried to ignore the smothered scream building in my throat as I pulled out of the car park and drove towards the darkening gloom.

Maze [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now