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The Clocktower was packed with people all wanting to celebrate Sean and Jem's wedding. They circled around groups of people, never letting go of each other and looking like pure joy. Dyl was nowhere to be seen. A band was playing in the corner and everyone looked happy. I grabbed a champagne flute from the bar and walked over to where a very large red hair man was holding a very small red haired boy.

"Well, blow me down, what do I see before me?" I joked as Mike turned around and his jaw swung to the floor.

"Fuck me! Maze!" He hollered, standing up and pulling me into a one armed hug. I laughed and patted his back before pulling away to see Hannah smiling up at me.

"Hi Maisie, you look beautiful," she said as I placed my glass down and perched on a stool.

"Thank you. So do you and who is this little chap?" I asked, wiggling my fingers at the baby in Mike's arms. His red hair, brown eyes and sunny smile were a perfect mix of Hannah and Mike.

"This is Rory. He's 5 months old and is the ruler of our house, nothing goes ahead without his say so. Even sleep. Or eating. Or sex."

Hannah hissed, "Mike, you can't say that in front of Rory!"

Mike and I stared at the tiny overlord who was trying to fit his foot in his mouth, "He doesn't seem to mind too much, babe."

They smiled at each other sweetly and my heart ached, wondering what might have been if I'd stayed. A gentle ballad started up and Hannah gripped Mike's arm.

"Our song!"

I held out my arms, "Let me hold Rory, Mike. Don't worry I was a nanny for a while in Denmark and Germany. We'll be ok."

Mike carefully placed Rory in my arms and kissed my cheek, "So glad you're back, Maze. You've been missed more than you know."

He reached out for Hannah and they made their way to the dance floor before holding each other close and swaying gently. He rested his forehead against hers and said something that made her smile. Rory reached out and grabbed my finger and I looked down at him.

"You know what little man, your parents are so in love. Maybe cut them slack and let them sleep tonight? What do you say?"

Rory stared up at me with his beautiful brown eyes and nuzzled into me. I rocked back and forth gently, singing a lullaby I'd learnt in Germany and, despite the chaos around us, he drifted off to sleep.

Mike and Hannah walked back over when the music ended and stopped in shock at the sight of the sleeping Rory. Mike reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, offering it to me.

"Take whatever you want, Maze. I want your secret. What witchcraft did you pull on our kid?"

Hannah gathered Rory up and slipped him into his car seat without him stirring, she looked up at me and said, "Are you available for babysitting duties?"

I began to laugh then stopped as I realised how serious they were.

"I don't know how long I'm staying but sure," I smiled.

Hannah grinned, "Brilliant. I'm going to take this guy home. Mike, stay here for a bit then head back ok?"

She leant down and whispered something into Mike's ear that sent his eyebrows racing to his hairline. Hannah wiggled her fingers at me in goodbye then slipped out the bar, Mike's eyes tracking her.

"Fuck me," he exhaled, tugging on his short hair.

I belly laughed, "Hannah have a way with words, does she?"

Mike grabbed his beer and took a large gulp, "You have no idea, Maze. No idea."

I laughed again and clinked my glass against his, "It's good to see you."

Maze [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now