Meeting The Others

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Third Person

Tails was anxious as school had finally ended. Why? Because Sonic was in a bad mood. Ever since Fang had come and tried to bully the two-tailed fox, Sonic had only ever given a death glare at anyone around him and growled when anyone would dare approach Tails. It got on the fox's nerves at first because the hedgehog had been even more possessive then usual as he wouldn't leave his side. Even when Tails had asked to go to the bathroom Sonic would follow him regardless of how the teacher said for him to stay. Tails had to stop Sonic from almost biting the teacher's head off and sat in the office with said hedgehog since he refused to go anywhere without the fox. Mr. Max wasn't happy how Sonic was sent to his office on his very first day but because the hedgehog was constantly growling and even snarled once, the principal just simply left them off with a warning. And that led the duo to the present.

Tails's namesakes constantly twitched with nervousness once he caught sight of the abandoned warehouse. Sonic -instead of letting the fox have at least some space- he is clutching the poor smaller Mobian's arm to the point of making colourful bruises appear. He didn't understand why Tails was doing this but he did feel the fox's feelings.

"Sonic, can you please stop squeezing my arm? It feels like its going to fall off." Tails said exasperated that his arm wasn't getting enough blood flowing. Sonic only blinked at him making Tails sigh. "Worth a shot." Once the duo was at the entrance to the warehouse, they could hear noises coming from within and Tails had second thoughts about entering. "Hey Sonic, do you think we should go in?" The hedgehog looked down at him, looked at the warehouse, growled and began to pull Tails with him.

"No." But before either of them got far, a voice called out to them.

"Hey, fox boy! I thought you would never show up!" Turning to the voice, they saw Scourge and Fleetway come towards them. Fleetway still looked the same when he and Sonic had fought during lunch but when the two hedgehogs got closer, the golden one had hid behind the green one. Fleetway's whole expression was full of fear and yet Scourge only looked happy to see them. The closer the two hedgehogs got, the more Sonic had started to bare his teeth. The blue hedgehog had yet to change his appearance but judging by his apprehensive stance, that will change.

"Well, here we are Scourge." Tails said as he pulled his arm out of Sonic's grip to feel himself. Thankfully it was just a really colourful bruise and sore as hell. It will eventually heal. "Why did you want to meet us here?"

Scourge barked a laugh with his hands on his hips. "Come inside and everything will be explained." With that, the green hedgehog turned on his heels and walked back the way he came with Fleetway not missing a beat. Confused and honestly curious at his actions, Tails followed him inside with a reluctant Sonic behind him. No matter how hard the blue hedgehog tried to sway the fox away from the building Tails just walked around him. Sonic pinned his ears back, slouched in his walking and gave a low growl to show his displeasure as he followed the shorter Mobian.

Once the duo was inside, Tails's eyes immediately widened because of what was going on. The whole area was set up similar to a stadium. Only much much smaller. Every piece of equipment that used to have a purpose was pushed off to the sides only to collect dust. The ground looked coloured on to look the same as the one on the basketball court with a few differences. The circles on either side were wider and the boundary lines made the court bigger for more room running around. There were even bleachers that looked similar to the ones at M.H.S that housed some Mobians that were watching the one match going on. Wait... Those were the missing bleachers from M.H.S! So that's where they went... The match had the two ebony hedgehogs versus the rabbit and pink hedgehog. The one ebony hedgehog whose name was Shadow was standing in the circle on the left with the rabbit -whose name was Cream- standing on the right. Mephiles and the pink hedgehog who Tails recalled was named Amy both looked extremely different then when Tails last saw them.

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