Can Things Get Any Weirder...

760 18 7

Third Person

Tails and Sonic walked along the forest that lead straight to the high school. But while they walked, Sonic had stopped multiple times at seeing something like a butterfly or a ladybug that caught his attention. Now, Tails was able to pull the hedgehog with him but even that didn't stop him from talking which got annoying real fast.

"Where going?" he asked for the 25th time.

"We are going to school Sonic." Tails made sure not to let any anger slip through his voice. It was bad enough he was forced to deal with bullies and constant teasing but also being responsible for a young-minded hedgehog who knows absolutely nothing? Definitely not his cup of tea.

"School?" said hedgehog asked as he scrunched up his face into the weird confused one.

"Yes Sonic. School." he rolled his eyes then glanced at the hedgehog. "I already told you this countless of times before, so stop asking!" he growled slightly causing Sonic to flinch and pull his hand away. The hedgehog stopped walking but didn't divert his stare away from light blue eyes that turned to him.

"Why?" was all he asked as his head was tilted the slightest bit. Tails blinked slightly taken aback by the sudden change in questions.

"Why what?" he copied the hedgehog's movements making said being's mouth twitch down a bit.

"Why stop asking? Why school? Why... anger?" the last question came out slower and sounded more uncertain but neither-less it was the most coherent Sonic has ever sounded to Tails as if he wanted those questions fully answered. The fox's namesakes twitched as he frowned. He knew how clueless the hedgehog was but he certainly wasn't expecting anything like that to come out of his mouth. Maybe Sonic wasn't so clueless after all?

"Well..." he started trying to find the right words to answer the questions but couldn't find the right words to say. After a bit of thinking, he blinked finally realizing what the last word was. "Wait, anger?" a blue head nodded. "Why did you say anger?" Sonic blinked then looked down at his hands.

"Anger. Mad. Mad Tails. Anger." the hedgehog's eyes zeroed in on the apple still clutched in his hand and slightly growled. "Anger. Sad. Mad. Loud noise. Hurt." he shivered while wrapping his arms around himself and closed his eyes. "Cold." Tails blinked at the weird response and then did the only thing that came to mind. He blinked again while making one of his ears flop to the side.

"Um..." he wanted to answer to... whatever the hedgehog was saying but his mind was blank. "Okay..." the hedgehog then smiled while looking back up at the fox his tail wagging back and forth.

"School?" he asked making Tails blink again and shake his head.

"Um... school... right... let's go." he was still out of it but was able to pull himself together long enough so he could still understand the situation. Not that it really mattered anyway. His mind was still reeling in all the new... he isn't sure to call it information but at least its something. He was snapped out of his thoughts as two peach arms snaked around his waist, a blue head rested on top of his and a rumbling sound emitted from the hedgehog's chest. It only took Tails a minute to figure out what was happening and a light pink colour dusted across his cheeks. Sonic was not only cuddling with him but was also purring.

"S-Sonic..." his words died in his mouth as he looked from the corner of his eyes to see Sonic smiling with his eyes closed. Not wanting to disturb him, Tails continued walking forward with the hedgehog literally on his tail and more heat flushed his whole face into a bright tomato colour. Soon, Tails could see the school in sight and stopped, giving a fake cough into his fist.

"Sonic, we're here." the hedgehog lifted his head up and moved so that he was no longer hugging Tails. The last bit of blush disappeared from Tails face as he took in a deep breath and turned to Sonic. "Sonic, this is school or as it is known: M.H.S. which stands for Mobius High School." Sonic's tail wagged harder as his eyes shone with glee.

"School!" he practically crushed Tails in another hug as he purred like crazy.

"Okay, okay, I get it!" the fox managed to push the hedgehog away and chuckled. "Come on. Let's get you registered."

Sonails - My Demonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें