Red Eyes

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When he got back, he placed the almost dead hedgehog on the coach and went to find a first aid kit. After finding it, he came back and started to clean up the blood with a sponge and a bucket full of luke-warm water. He looked down at the hedgehog's shoes and tried to clean the blood off of them but couldn't get the stains off. Figuring that the shoes were now stuck like that, he turned his attention to the hedgehog's face where two blood-like tear tracks were visible. As if the hedgehog was crying blood but Tails only thought that he got a cut underneath his eyes and was crying from the pain.

The two tailed fox wringed the sponge out in the bucket before soaking it in more water and started to clean the tracks. But no matter what he tried, the blood wouldn't come off. He pulled one glove off his hand and went to feel under the hedgehog's eyes but didn't feel any cut or scrap. And the blood felt real but didn't come off at his touch.

Feeling a bit freaked out, Tails turned his attention to the hedgehog's tattered gloves and slowly took them off so he might be able to fix them but didn't want to damage them beyond repair. That's when he noticed the nails, or shall he say claws of the hedgehog was sharper than anything he had ever seen. He knew that Mobians had nails like there unevolved ancestors, but this was strange.

Before thinking about anything else, he stepped back to see if there was anything else to do. When his gaze drifted to the hedgehog's stomach, he saw the gash across it but it only looked like a scrap compared to what it was but he saw something else he didn't see before. Right on the hedgehog's chest was a big red X that was engraved right into it. With his still gloveless hand, Tails felt the engraving and it wasn't coming off. Just like the blood-like tear stains.

The two tailed fox was beyond freaked out now but he certainly wasn't one to judge when it comes to someone's looks. Especially how he was called a freak for almost his entire life. Tails tried to shake off an uneasy feeling he was getting in the pit of his stomach and decided to dump the bucket, now filled with bloody water, outside and cleaned the sponge up as well. When he was just putting away the first aid kit, he heard a groan coming from the room with his guest and went to see how he was doing but stopped in his tracks at what he saw. Or more likely... what he didn't see. The hedgehog wasn't anywhere in the room and he could've sworn that the said Mobian wouldn't have been able to move all that well if he was injured before.

"Huh... Where'd he go?" Tails whispered to himself as he looked around the once inhabited room but saw no blue hedgehog at all. All of a sudden, he felt a cold chill go down his spine that made him shudder and wrap his arms around himself to keep warm. Thinking that he forgot to close the windows, Tails looked towards them... but... they were closed. He felt another blast of air coming from behind him and when he looked, he froze upon seeing two red orbs staring straight into his soul. The owner of those very eyes was a little too close for the two tailed fox's liking but said Mobian didn't dare move as he continued to stare at whoever the being was. After what felt like an eternity but was only a few minutes, Tails took a shuddering breath in and the red orbs moved back a slight inch to reveal that they were surrounded by, not white but black. Pure black eyes was all he could see now and in a split second the being blinked and he swore that he saw blue eyelids.

"Who you?" came a voice that sounded distance from the trance the fox was in from staring at those eyes. Trying to get his bearings together, Tails took a shaky step back and could see more of the creature before him and took a glance at the empty couch then back at said creature or shall he say... hedgehog. Tails shook his head, rubbed his eyes and looked back at the hedgehog who wasn't there anymore. He felt a breath on his neck and almost yelped at how close and how fast the being had moved. In those few seconds, the Mobian had moved from in front of him to standing directly behind him. Tails had to look up at the hedgehog that he guessed stood at a height of 5'6". "I asked question." came the voice again at an almost yelling tone that had made a breeze of wind and blew the fox's fur back.

"Uhh... umm... uh..." Tails could only get out mere whimpers as the hedgehog closed what little spaced they shared and made him stand against the wall.

"Well?" the hedgehog asked clearly getting impatient from the tone of voice he was using. Tails shook his head again and used the bravest voice he could muster even though he was scared to death.

"I-I'm the one who healed you when you were close to dying." the hedgehog raised an eye ridge but didn't make any attempt to move in any way.

"That not answer question. Who. You?" he emphasized the last two words with a growl that made the two tailed fox pin his ears against his head and whimper from the taller being's tone. Realizing what he did, the hedgehog backed up a couple of steps and tried to be patient with the orange Mobian. After a little bit, Tails finally calmed down but was still a little bit scared from the hedgehog he once looked after.

"M-My n-name i-is T-Tails." he tried to suppress the stutter but it didn't work all that well. The hedgehog's eyes flicked to the fox's wrists then back to the other's worried eyes. Seeing what he did, Tails looked down to see the once tattered gloves all fixed and it didn't look like they were destroyed at all. The taller Mobian held his hand out to the shorter one and the latter gave said item over. Upon putting the gloves on, Tails saw how the hedgehog's claws was able to slide on through by little slits on the tips. "W-What's your name?" the hedgehog flicked his ears when he heard the fox's question and frowned.

"No name." he stated coldly as Tails moved his gaze back to the orbs the taller Mobian possessed. He thought about a good name he would be able to call the hedgehog and when he thought of one, he thought it was a perfect match.

"What about Sonic?" the two tailed fox asked and the hedgehog scratched his ear. Tails was amazed at how the sharp claws the other had didn't penetrate the flesh.

"Sonic... why?" he inquired

"Well... I saw how you could run fast and well... I thought it was a good name." Tails said

"Sonic... Son-ic... ok, name Sonic." the hedgehog, now named Sonic, replied.

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