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Tails p.o.v.

"Wait... what?" I asked unable to understand what that golden hedgehog had said. "Demon? What are you talking about? Demons aren't real, they are just myths." I rolled my eyes sure that this was some sort of prank but when I looked back up at Scourge, he was frowning. The green hedgehog looked beside him to Fleetway who looked away and sighed.

"Well... I never thought I'd be saying this... but Fleet is right." I frowned at that and looked at Sonic who tilted his head at me. Demon... no, he isn't a Demon. From those myths, Demons are not exactly the 'friendliest' creatures to exist. Sure he looks weird, talks weird and does weird things but who am I to say such things? I mean, take a nice long look at me. I'm not exactly a normal sight having two tails and all as well as my over the top smarts, yet, I know that I'm not a Demon.

"I'm sorry but you're wrong." I grabbed Sonic's hand to make sure he would stay with me as I walked away. "Sonic isn't a Demon and as far as I'm concerned, he is just a regular Mobian with a strange attitude and faulty memory."

"Denial." That one word made me stop and turn to the red echidna as he and the white bat walked up to us.

"Excuse me?" I rose an eye ridge dropping Sonic's hand to put mine on my hips. "I'm not in denial."

"Yes you are." he repeated then looked towards the bat. Knuckles was his name and the bat's was Rouge. "Am I right, Rouge?"

"Yes you are Knuckie~" she said in a seductive voice and I rolled my eyes. From the way she said that and because I've never gotten to know any of them, I could tell she might've been a slut.

"Well, I say you're not." I crossed my arms over my chest and looked up at Sonic. "Am I right Sonic?" all he did was tilt his head to the side and I gave a smug look while sticking my nose up. "I'll call that a 'yes'." all of a sudden, I could feel my face heat up and my eyes flew open and widened as Sonic had placed his arms around my waist and his head atop of mine. But what made me blush harder than ever was what he was doing... near my tails in my lower region... with his knee... "Sonic!" I yelped and twisted myself around. Sure that didn't do much but at least I was able to move his knee away and suppress the blush. But as I looked up at Sonic it occurred to me that he wasn't looking at me at all, rather, he was looking at Knuckles with a strange glint in his eyes... like when he looked at that apple poster... I instantly recognized that look and was able to squirm out of his hold so I could stop what hasn't been done yet.

"Hehehe. Looks like someone is having demon troubles." I turned to the voice to find the rabbit - Cream - looking at me with a smirk. I frowned and held onto Sonic's hand tightly.

"Sonic isn't a demon." I stated but she only giggled.

"Riiiight." she rolled her eyes then crossed her arms over her chest. "And I'm a hippo." My frown deepened as I looked into all of their eyes.

"Look," I started. "I know that you have your own way of thinking but I don't care what you think. I just want to get on with my life and possibly be able to get Sonic back to normal. So if you're going to stand there like a bunch of idiots, then can't one of you get rid of those vines so that I can do just that?" I watched as they all looked at each other then looked at me. Next thing I knew, the vines were going back into the ground and I dragged Sonic behind me back into the building. We had made it just in time to Mr. Rotor's class just as the bell went and I took a glance at Sonic but he was staring at the door.

"Sonic?" he looked at me - with his appearance back to how it was - as I called his name. "Is something wrong?" he looked back at the door and I followed his gaze to see Cream and the pink hedgehog -Amy- come towards us.

"Look-" Cream started but I stood up to stop her.

"No, you look. I don't know what goes on in any of your heads and by what I heard, I don't think I want to know." I narrowed my eyes as I glanced from both of them with my arms across my chest. "But what I can tell you now is to leave the both of us alone. We don't want to be bothered by any of you. Ever." she frowned and turned to the pink hedgehog, nodding her head. I rose an eye ridge as Amy came up to me and pulled an apple out of her quills.

"Don't worry. Not only is it a real apple, " she smiled as she pushed the apple towards me. "Its also a peace offering from Scourge to say how sorry he was for dragging you and your friend into all of this. He figured that your friend would be pretty hungry by now with losing his apple and everything." I furrowed my brow trying to figure out what her game was. Well... it did look like a real apple and when I looked at Sonic from the corner of my eye, he was looking like he could eat a thousand apples... I sighed as I reluctantly took the the piece of fruit and gave it to Sonic muttering a thanks as I sat back down. Just as they turned to walk away, the rabbit froze then whispered into my ear.

"If you want the truth about who and what your hedgehog friend is, then meet us after school in the old abandoned warehouse."

I rose an eye ridge as she disappeared around the corner then looked back at Sonic just as he was licking his fingers. I chuckled at his actions and thought about what she said. If it had anything to do with calling Sonic a demon, I don't think I want any part in whatever they are doing... but, what do I have to lose?

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