Lovely Sleep

913 19 14

Tails p.o.v.

I stretched my muscles out and looked back at Sonic as I saw him still staring at me intently. But was also holding his tongue, literally. He kept trying to bug me over and over about when supper was so he could get another cookie and I accidentally told him to shut up and instead of closing his mouth, he held his tongue. I looked at the clock on the wall to see it was 5:00 pm. I looked back at Sonic and he tilted his head to the side.

"You can stop holding your tongue Sonic." he let the limb go and was about to talk when I held up a hand.

"Soon. I have to make it first." he nodded and followed me to the kitchen where I got a big pot and placed it on the stove. "How does soup sound?" he looked at me confused and I chuckled. "Right. You don't know what soup is. Alright, I guess I can do it." I took out the vegetables and cut them up to bits as I went to the cupboard and pulled out the broth and placed all the items into the pot. Once the soup was boiling and was thick enough, I turned the stove off. I grabbed two bowls and placed our dinner in each. I placed the bowls on the table and since Sonic was watching all my movements, I got him to wash his hands beside me before I got him to eat. We sat down at the table and as I was about to take a bite, he looked at me then down at the soup.

"What this?" he picked up the spoon and poked at the contents in the bowl and I sighed. I forgot that he barely knows anything.

"Its vegetable soup." he looked at me and I knew what he meant. I put the spoon down and he copied me. "Just follow me okay." he nodded and I picked up my spoon, blew on it a tiny bit then stuck it in my mouth and chewed, then swallowed. I watched as he did the same and his ears perked up after putting the spoon in his mouth. "Now don't go scoffing the whole bowl now." he nodded and we ate in silence for the rest of the meal. Sonic had a whole seven bowls and a cookie before he said he couldn't eat anymore and I was surprised at the size of his appetite. I went back to tinkering on my machine as Sonic watched me from his spot and we stayed like that until I heard a yawn. I looked back at Sonic to see him struggle with his eyes as he tried to keep them open but was failing. I chuckled as I got out of my seat and picked him up onto his feet. For a hedgehog who is taller than me, he's surprisingly light. So much that I was able to carry him bridle style and carried him to the couch. I got an extra blanket and covered him in it.

"Good night Sonic." I looked at the time and saw that it was 10:54 pm. I groaned as I realized that it was a Thursday and I had to go to school tomorrow. I hate school. I got ready for bed and as I was brushing my teeth, I heard my door creak open. I took a peek out the door but didn't see anything. I shrugged it off as nothing and once I finished, I jumped into bed, turned off the lamp and closed my eyes. I was about to drift off when I felt a poke on my shoulder and groaned as I opened my eyes to see red orbs staring at me. "Sonic?" I mumbled while squinting at his figure as he looked down at the bed and fiddled with his hands. I turned on the lamp and saw that he had the blanket was covering his shoulders like a cape. "What's the-" I couldn't hold back a yawn as I placed my hand over my mouth. I rubbed my eyes then looked up at him. "Matter?"

"I no sleep." he looked at me and I could see something in his eyes... sorrow? I looked around my room then back at him and sighed.

"You want to sleep with me?" I rubbed my eyes and tried to hold another yawn back as he nodded. I moved over to make some room and Sonic had almost jumped on me. Once he was all snuggled up, I turned the lamp off and faced him. Not sure if that was the best idea cause right away, Sonic immediately snuggled into my chest and purred. I inwardly sighed and ignored it as I let sleep consume me.

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