
790 19 1

Tails p.o.v.

I pinned my ears to my head at the annoying ringing but snapped my eyes open as I fell onto the ground. I looked back at my bed to see Sonic wide-eyed, holding his ears and wiggling around which I'm assuming was to try and get rid of the sound. I shook my head and reached for my alarm cloak, shutting it off and also stopping Sonic's withering as he just plopped face-first onto the mattress.

I got up off the floor and stretched, making my way to the kitchen and pouring myself a bowl of cereal with milk. Once I finished, I made my way back to my room and saw that Sonic hadn't moved.

"Sonic?" I tried shaking him but he wouldn't move. His whole body was still. Panicked that I might have caused this, I rolled him onto his back and saw that his eyes were still closed. I was about to do mouth to mouth when he groaned and rolled back onto his stomach.

"No..." he mumbled

"Sonic, I need to know if you can spend the day alone so I can go to school." he ears perked up and I was met with his confused face.


"Yes, school. Its where you go to learn." now that he was awake, I went to brush my teeth.

"Go school." I heard him say but rolled my eyes. I forgot that he would act like a child and follow me wherever I go because I saw him standing by the door. I spit out the paste and washed my face.

"No Sonic. I have to go to school and you can stay here." I turned off the tap and dried my hands on the towel. I went to put my shoes and gloves back on, and picked up a brush.

"Come Tails." Sonic pulled the brush out of my hands.

"Sonic." I held out my hand while putting the other on my hip "Give it back." he held it closer and I tapped my foot. "Give it back, now." I used a stern voice which he reluctantly gave in to. "Thank you." I brushed my fur out and once I was finished, I went to a cabinet seeing all the different school supplies. Since I'm always getting picked on, its normal that an item or two gets taken away or lost so I had already stocked up just in case.

"School." I gave a glance at Sonic and saw that he had his ears lowered and gave me the puppy-dog eyes. "Please?" he tilted his head slightly to the left and I had to look away before I would say yes. Shaking me head, I set up my backpack with a pencil-case, binder that had extra paper and a notebook. I was about to zip it up when I stopped and looked back inside. Maybe school might set Sonic straight but what would I say about his appearance? Thinking of any possible solution I could use, I set up another backpack for him and placed it right in front of him.

"Now Sonic, if you can spend this one day in school without any problems then I will allow you to go to school every day with me. Ok?" he nodded and I got him to follow me. "Are you hungry?" I asked and he shook his head. "I think you should eat something Sonic."

"No." he clenched the backpack I gave him and chuckled. Boy is he ever stubborn.

"Alright then." I walked over to the kitchen, grabbing an apple and tossing it to him. "If you want something to munch on." I walked out the door with him on my tail and we started our walk to school.

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