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Scott: Noboy knows about this, but usually when Scott sleeps he doesn't actually sleep on the bed. He likes to curl up on the floor and sleep like a dog; he states that it's allowing "his wolf side to be happy" but you know it's just him being weird. You don't mind though, because when you sleep round his it means you have the whole bed to yourself.

Stiles: Stiles hogs the covers. Always. It's so annoying because it leaves you cold and exposed, which is not fun. He always ends up on the edge of the bed, completely wrapped inside the blankets like a blanket burrito and he usually falls off the bed too. After falling off the bed he usually gives you the blankets to make sure he doesn't burrito himself again. You finally get to sleep after that.

Jackson: Jackson likes sleeping in the same bed as you so it almost happens every night considering you live next door to each other and you always leave your windows open. When the two of you sleep it ends up with you lying on top of him so you both stay warm and so he can protectively wrap his arms around your body.

Derek: Derek doesn't really sleep, considering he's a big bad werewolf, so you just sleep in your own bed by yourself and think about what dangerous things Derek is probably doing. But what you don't know is that every night Derek sits by your window and makes sure you fall asleep safely.

Isaac: You and Isaac are really cute when you guys sleep in the same bed. You're a mess of arms and legs and you like to sleep close together so you know that when you wake up you're still going to be together. Isaac likes this idea because he never knows when something supernatural may kill him, so he likes spending every night by your side.

I've been laughing for five minutes because I can imagine Stiles doing a blanket burrito and falling off the bed

- Leigh x

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