"We'll make sure they pay for their insolence." A close friend joined my side.

"Itsuki!" I looked up at him in surprise.

"Swordsmen stick together." He smiled down at me genuinely before turning angrily back to our enemies.

"This guy just never dies, does he?" Fukaziroh walked up and winked at me.

Joy and hope immediately filled my soul as our friends came valiantly to our aid. I thought back to before I met Sinon and how I could have missed out on the absolutely amazing adventure we've been on. There have been many highs and a few lows but in the end, it brought us all closer together. A spark of determination filled the air as our entire unit assembled as one.

"What a marvellous display!" Johnny Black cackled as he suddenly threw three of his thorn-like knives.

Before they could reach anyone however, a bladed boomerang spun in and deflected the knives before returning back to the person who threw it. As it spun along its trajectory, the hand of Shirley caught its middle handle and suddenly pulled it apart to give her two uniquely curved daggers.

"You won't break through us so easily." Shirley took her place at Sinon's side next to me.

"How poetic. The entirety of Alfheim has come to be voluntarily wiped from their miserable existence." DeathGod adjusted his grip on his scythe.

"How convenient." Zade grinned with Red Ribbon at the ready.

"We'll take them down with us, straight to Hel." Johnny laughed.

"That's if we don't kill them all first." Vassago growled.

"Oh yeah? You and what army?" Liz smiled confidently in our mass of combined forces.

DeathGod audibly chuckled with a smirk and snapped his fingers loudly in response. At that exact moment, many bright lights appeared one by one behind the Four Fabled Horsemen as a mass of cloaked figures gathered together.

"You had to ask

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"You had to ask..." Leafa was unimpressed and unamused by Liz's big mouth.

"Large force or not, you will be snuffed out like the perishing flame that you are." Pitohui growled as she readied her blade.

"Is that so? Then try and try as much as you'd like..." DeathGod stood his scythe on its stick.

"But you will never break our ancient bond." Zade barked.

"You won't break ours either." Pito lunged forward with her feathered wings and the battle began.

"For the Queen!!!" A soldier shouted as the Sylph army charged ahead alongside the Cat Sith battalion.

The Crystal Swordsman: Alfheim's AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now