"And you were tackled because you were asking for it." He smiled, obviously out of whatever hole he'd been in.

I decided it was go big or go home.

"Oh paw-lease. Whatever made mew think a thing like that?"

He rolled his eyes good naturedly, chuckling, "M'Lady please-"

"What was that? Purr-haps you were going to ask me to stop? I-meow-gine that! I cat-not believe you would ask such a thing? I mean, who wouldn't enjoy an a-meow-sing string of purr-fectly timed cat puns?

He was practically crying now, "My Lady please! They're so awful. I-"

"Meow-ch, mon chatton!! You wound me!! I have endured the most paw-ful puns, and through all these years, and this is how you repay me? With only a fur-vant plea to stop? You've cat to be kitten me right meow!!"

Char Noir was wheezing. He had rolled to the side and surrendered his position trapping me on the roof, in favor of curling up and holding his sides.

"My Lady!!!" He cried, still laughing.

I smirked. Mission accomplished.

"Yes?" I asked, feigning innocence.

He just looked at me incredulously before returning to his laughing fit. I couldn't help but join in.

After a minute I stood up and held out my hand to him. He took it and I helped him up. When he was standing, I decided I didn't want to let go. So I didn't. He looked at our entwined hands and then up at me.

"Uh- How about that ice cream?" I said, trying to ignore how warm his hand was in mine.

He smiled, "well then, we best be on our way hadn't we?"


We eventually found a cute little place called very simply "Kate's Ice Cream". It was mostly empty except for the three employees, and a cute couple and their small daughter sitting in one of the booths. We deemed it private enough and walked inside.

Two of the employees, a blonde girl and boy were standing behind the counter, cleaning. The girl noticed us and smacked the guy. He turned and pouted at her, rubbing his shoulder in indignation before seeing us, his face going blank.

I chuckled internally, used to this reaction to myself as Ladybug. I waved.

The girl immediately flew over to the counter.

"Hi! Welcome to Kate's Ice Cream! What can I get for you guys today?" She said, very bubbly and cheerful.

"Hi-" I squinted at her name tag, "Elsie! Can I get a double strawberry waffle cone?"

"Of course Miss- uh, Miss Ladybug! And what about for you sir, Chat Noir?

I looked over at Chat as he placed his order.

"And I'll have a triple peach waffle cone please!" He smirked.

I smacked his shoulder, rolling my eyes.

"Of course sir! I'll be right back with those cones for you!" The girl, Elsie smiled.

Once she was gone I laughed. "You're such a kid."

"Since when was that a bad thing?"

I laughed again.

A minute or two later Elsie came back with our ice creams.

"Here you guys are! Enjoy and have a good night!!"

I smiled then paused, "Wait! We didn't pay for this yet!"

She shook her head. "No, no! It's on the house! Anything we can do for our heroes!"

Chat Noir and I both shook our heads.

"We love to support local businesses. We'll pay for it, but thank you, that was a very kind gesture." Chat said, unzipping his pocket and pulling out his wallet.

"Oh! Okay! My- uh- my friend Cooper will help you ring up that transaction!"

The other employee, Cooper, walked over to the counter and smiled.

"Hi guys! Are you paying together or separate?"

"Together" Chat said.

I turned to Chat. "Hey wait-"

"Alright that'll be $8.42" Chat handed Cooper a $10.

"Chat! I can pay for myself, I-"

He grabbed the cones from the holder on the counter and handed me mine, winking.

On his way out the door he put another $10 in the tips jar. I pulled a $10 out of my yo-yo and put it in there as well, making sure he was watching me. He laughed, and the employees stood there starstruck.

We waved to Elsie and Cooper who's jaws were on the floor. The third employee, who had been cleaning the lobby, shouted after us.

"Have a good night!!"

Chat did his signature salute and I called back to the brunette.

"You too! Thank you!!"

Chat and I jumped up and off to find a suitable rooftop on which to eat our ice cream. We decided on one about a block away from the parlor.

We ate our ice cream and talked about anything and everything. We were sitting there for probably around the better half of two hours.

Around midnight we were back at the Eiffel Tower, sitting up top and laughing our heads off. We were both exhausted and ready for bed, but neither of us wanted to leave.

Surprisingly, he stood first.

"M'Lady, I've had the best time hanging out with you, but I really need to get home. I have a somewhat regular sleep schedule to keep up with."

He held out his hand to help me up and I took it.

"Thanks." I yawned, "Me too really. At least I have the fact that I sleep like the dead going for me."

He chuckled, and I realized that, yet again, we hadn't let our hands fall back to our sides.

"Look Chat I-"

"The thing is-"

We both turned toward each other and began talking at the same time. This resulted in our faces being separated by only a few mere inches.

Our breaths mingled in the small space between us, our eyes locked. His breath smelled, tasted even, like peach cream, and my eyes flickered down towards his lips against my better judgement.

I then looked back into his eyes which were intensely green and I noticed just how gorgeous they were.

His free hand slowly came toward my face and cupped it. I leaned into his touch. His eyes seemed to be searching mine for something.

"Chat" I breathed, barely audible. "You have a soulmate."

"So do you." He said, his voice coming out soft.

We both leaned into each other just a little more and suddenly, our lips met. We moved in sync, my arms going around his neck, him holding me around the waist.

The kiss was soft, gentle, but passionate, and just as suddenly as it happened, it was over.

We both jumped back, red faced. I mumbled incoherently before we said a rushed goodbye and took off into the night.

What the heck had just happened?!

This chapter, I am belatedly dedicating to @AlyaShipsIt Thank you so much for reading this and commenting!! I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter!! Love you!!

Just a few more chapters guys!!! 😆😆😆😆 not sure how many.... I'm almost done I promise!!! Thanks for sticking with me y'all!! ❤️❤️❤️

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