Chapter 9

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Marinette's POV

I paced back and forth in my room. After Alya'd taken off, I'd had some time to think about why on earth she would have just taken off like that. First I revealed to her the fact that I'm Ladybug, and that Chat Noir and I have soulmate marks of each other, while at the same time, I have Adrien's name on my wrist. Then she grins at me, and just takes off.

I love her and all, but sometimes . . . . sometimes she just confuses me more than I was already.

I sighed in exasperation for what felt like the millionth time since Alya left. I shot her another frantic text asking her to come back to my house and explain why in the world she'd leave me to panic.

"ALYA!" I screamed into a pillow on my chaise.

"Marinette!!" I heard my mom call from downstairs. "Dinner's ready!!"

"Coming mom!!" I called back, my voice muffled by my pillow.

I sighed and sat up.

"Tikki? Do you have any idea what Alya is up to?"

"Well, Marinette, with Alya, you never do know, do you?"

"Fair point." I mumbled, standing up.

I walked towards my door and climbed down the stairs to the living space.

I sat down across from my mom at the kitchen island. As we began eating, my mom glanced over at me, and she placed her hand on mine. I hadn't realized until that moment that I'd been nervously drumming my fingers on the table.

"Are you feeling alright sweetie?"

"Yeah!! Yeah, it's just Alya left really suddenly with little to no explanation, and.... I'm not quite sure what to think or how to feel about that."

"Was she upset with you?" mom's eyes widened, probably fearing the worst.

"No!! No. Quite the opposite actually." I paused, and jokingly scowled. "She's plotting something, I'm sure of it."

My mom laughed at that. "Alya is the kind for plotting."

We laughed together as my dad opened the door, coming upstairs from the bakery.

"Now, what are you two laughing at? Not at me I hope?" He gave us a silly pouty face which only made us laugh harder.

"We were just remembering how silly you looked in a Santa Claus costume all those years ago" Mom said mirthfully.

"Ho, ho, ho!! Merry Christmas to all!! And to all a good night!!"

We all laughed as papa did his best impression of the jolly fellow.


As I sat around the kitchen island eating Maman and Papa's delicious home cooked food, I just took in the moment. Completely forgetting about the stress of my soulmate marks and boy troubles, and even my mischievous best friend.

Those were thoughts for another day.

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