Chapter 10

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I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed.

Until I remembered I had school today.

And that I was going to be late!!!

I jumped out of bed, flew down the stairs after hastily getting dressed and slinging my backpack over my shoulder, shouting goodbye to maman and papa as I sped out the door, all but ready to sprint to school, when-

"Adrien!!" I spluttered, shocked, trying to slow my legs down so I wouldn't plow into him.

And of course, I was too late.

"Hi, Marine- woah!!" He grabbed my arms to balance both of us, as I'd nearly knocked him off his feet. How romantic.

"Sorry!! It's just I was late again and I-" I started spouting off random excuses and apologies to explain why I was moving at such dangerous speeds. Of course, I don't have to be moving very fast to trip, I thought sarcastically, I can do that sitting down.

"Hey! Hey, it's okay! Seriously!! Don't worry about it!" He said gently as I finally looked up at his face, and then promptly returned my gaze to the ground as my face turned red.

I fumbled my words for a second before I was finally able to stutter out, looking anywhere but his face, "So, um uh, why.... why are you here.... exactly?" I paused before realizing that sounded bad. " I mean, not that I'm not happy that you're here!! Because you're here! And I'm happy to see you? And... I'm sor-"

He cut me off again, with a gentle look that made my face melt, and made me look away again. When I looked up a few seconds later, he was blushing and rubbing the back of his neck.

"No! It's okay... I just, thought I'd walk you to school because we're soulmates, and it admittedly seems a little silly now that we're here and I realize your house is so close to the school and you don't have trouble walking to school yourself and...I'm sorry this seemed like a much better idea in my head."

As he was talking I realized that he was just as nervous about the whole soulmate thing as I was. It gave me the courage to grab his hand and say, "It's okay Adrien. I'm glad you came! Thank you, really, thank you."

He smiled, which caused me to smile, and then we both giggled, our faces red.

We kept giggling until I snorted, and then we both busted up laughing. After we had finally stopped laughing, the tension between us was more bearable. We were no longer awkwardly standing in front of my house, holding hands, but comfortably smiling at eachother, our fingers entwined.

This didn't stop us both from jumping when the school bell rang, announcing the start of class.

Adrien looked at me, his eyebrows raised.

"Shall we?"

I sighed dramatically.

"I suppose we must."

We both laughed as we ran towards the school together, our hands laced together, ready to take on the day.


We walked in the door of the classroom still holding hands, and quietly sneaked into our seats. Mrs. Bustier was writing directions on the board and the class was copying them into their notes.

The only person who appeared to notice our sneaking (besides Alya and Nino of course) was Chloé, but she just frowned and returned to her notes, apparently still miffed from her shut down the day before.

As I sat down next to Alya she winked at me, and I knew I had an interrogation coming.

Luckily I was saved by Mrs. Bustier calling out attendance.

My luck ran short as soon as Mrs. Bustier started today's lecture on French History, because Alya turned to me, scooted closer on our shared bench and said,

"Sooo~?" with a cheesy grin on her face. "C'mon girl!! Give me the deets!!"

I sighed in defeat and opened my mouth to begin the long girl chat.


YAY IM BACK!! Sorry I went on like, a year and a half hiatus, but I'm back and planning to update regularly!! (Probably weekly or something idk) I will also be going through and adding art (yes I know ACTUALLY!! Wow!! Yay me!! I've already started!!) I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and stay tuned for Chapter 11 coming out soon!!

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