Chapter 6

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Adrien's POV

I was reading the Ladyblog, as my lady had commanded me to do, (after all, I would do just about anything my lady asked of me, and this was also a good excuse to do what was basically a daily habit) when Plagg suddenly started to tease me. (What was apparently a daily habit for him.)

"So, how's your princess?"

"What are you on about?"

"Your soulmate, kid. I figured you'd have recognized the nickname, seeing as you're the one who gave it to her."

"Oh right." I looked at Plagg skeptically. "Why don't you go eat some cheese or something."

Plagg was about to retort, but there was a knock at the door, so instead he flew behind my pillow.

The door opened and Nathalie said,

"Someone is at the front gate. She said you are friends."

She rolled her eyes as she said "friends". We get lots of people, especially girls, ringing the bell and telling Nathalie that they are my friend. Most of the time they just want a signature or something.

If I'm going to have a friend over, I've got to either walk in with them, or tell Nathalie beforehand so she's knows I'm expecting someone. Otherwise, she'll generally ignore other people. I didn't know why she made an exception this time. Not until she held out the tablet she was holding, which was connected to the camera.

"Yeah she's a friend. Do you want me to get the door?"

"No. I'll do it. Do you want me to send her up here?"

"Yes please."

She nodded as she left my room.

Once the door closed, Plagg immediately flew out from behind the pillows.

"So is your princess at the door?" He asked smugly.

I shot a glare over at him, as there was another knock on the door. Plagg flew up to the second level this time, as he would have more space.

I walked over to the door and opened it to Alya standing there. She immediately walked in and shut the door behind her.

"What's up Alya?"

"I just have a few questions for you."

"Yeah. Yeah, okay. Um, do you want to sit down?"


We walked over to the couch and sat down. We sat there in an awkward silence for a little.

"So uh Alya? Why exactly did you come over?"

"Oh right. Sorry. So I was talking to Ladybug . . . ."

"You were? When was this? Was she fighting an akuma?"

I felt kind of panicked. If Lady had to fight an akuma without me, I would have to beg for forgiveness next time I saw her. I thought we had a patrol that night, so I could probably plead for forgiveness then, but I could've been wrong.

"Nah, she was just hanging out"

"Where? With whom?"

"With me dummy."

I felt slightly confused. I noticed Alya was evading some of my questions, as if she didn't want to say everything . . . . Or she'd been told not to. I looked up at her and she smiled, almost deviously at me. My eyes widened and I looked down quickly.

"So Adrien . . . ." She looked at me with what I assumed she wanted to be her poker face, but I could tell she was trying not to grin. "What's your view on your relationship with Ladybug?"

"What?" I was confused. Is this why she came over? To tease me? How does she even know I like Ladybug?

"What's your view on your relationship with Ladybug?" She repeated, obviously still trying to hold back her grin.

"Uh, I mean, she saved me one or twice . . . . Maybe more? Umm . . . ." I shrugged.

"No, no, no. I mean what do you think of the famous LB?"

"Uh, I mean she's cool but . . . ." I paused. Alya is Mari's best friend. Is this a trick question? I was getting more and more confused by the second. "I have Marinette, and . . . ."

She interrupted me with a laugh. "This isn't about Marinette. I'm not going to tell her about this I promise. I want to know, honest to goodness, what you really think about Ladybug."

I hesitated. "I think she's super brave to save Paris everyday. I mean have you seen some of the akumatized villains lately? They're kinda scary. But, I just admire her as a hero. That's all." I lied.

Alya looked at me with disapproval for a minute.

"Obviously, that's not true."

"What do you mean, obviously?"

"If you look around your room, it's very obvious you do in fact like Ladybug quite a bit. Your computer screen is open to my Ladyblog --"

"For research purposes!" I exclaimed. "I was looking up what was happening with the most recent akumas!!"

"On the 'Who's Under the Mask' page?"

I shifted uncomfortably.

"I know my own blog. Another piece of evidence--"

"Evidence? What do you mean evidence?"

Alya effectively shut me up with another disapproving glare.

"As I was saying, You've got posters on your wall, and this one,"
She walked over towards it as she was talking. "Has another poster underneath . . . . Uh . . . ."

She stopped as she pulled  opened the framed poster, and I flinched.

"That is not a poster. That is not a poster. Adrien, what . . . . ?"

I dashed over to where she was standing and slammed the cover shut. But it was definitely too late. Alya had seen what was there, and there was no going back now.

"Adrien, what . . . . ?"

"Alya, it's not what it looks like--"

"It's exactly what it looks like Adrien!! Why do you have so much Ladybug stuff?!?! Admire her as a hero my butt!! Explanation now."

"Well uh, I uh . . . ." I could practically hear Plagg sniggering at me. That dirty rotten fuzzball. I quickly changed the topic. "How did you even know that was there? Even Nino hasn't found it yet, and he's been here billions of times!"

"It was cracked open and I assumed there was a poster under it. Not that there isn't, there's more than one poster in there Adrien." She looked at me with amusement apparently finding humor in this situation.

I glared up at the second floor of my room. Plaaaagg. I could definitely hear him laughing up there. I scowled.

My attention was refocused to Alya when she started laughing. Hysterically laughing. She'd bent over and held her sides.

I was confused. First she was scolding me, then she was smiling, and then she's full out dying with laughter.

"Alya? Are you okay? Uh, and what's so funny?"

"You!! You Adrien!! Admire her as a hero, yeah right! You straight up idolize her!! Oh my gosh!! Mari would die!!"

"Hey wait a minute!! You said you wouldn't tell Mari!!"

"I'm not going to!! I'm just saying, if she did know . . . ." Alya wiped a tear from her eye. "Oh this is too good."

I raised an eyebrow. Alya was confusing me more and more by the minute.

"What's too good? Why would Mari die? What is happening?!?"

Alya just laughed harder.

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