Chapter 15

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I flew through the air, pulling myself along with my Yo-yo, then landed on the top of the Eiffel Tower. Chat Noir was already there, sitting on the edge, looking out at the Parisian skyline.

I sat down next to him.

I smiled at him and he smiled back, both of us turning to again look out over Paris.

We sat there in comfortable silence for what seemed like 5 minutes before either of us said anything.

"You're pretty quiet tonight," I said, smirking.

"You're not too chatty yourself," he smiled, still looking off into the distance.

There was another stretch of silence as we again stared off into the distance, lost in our own thoughts.

My thoughts, of course, were on Alya's suggestion to get to know Chat better. Thinking back, she had seemed awfully smug about something. I shook my head. Alya was messing with my usually rational thought process.There was nothing to overthink. I could ask Chat to hang out with me! No big!

"Hey Chat?" I asked, "Do you want to maybe... hang out sometime? As friends!! Of course, since we both have other soulmates... I uh..."

I felt my face turning red. What was the matter with me!! I only ramble like this around-

Adrien. Crap.

"I...what?" Chat seemed surprised at my request.

I looked away. "Ahhhh.... Sorry just ignore that I-"

He jumped, "What? No, no!! I'd love to! I was just surprised is all!!"

I nodded slowly, as if any sudden movements might make him change his mind.

"We could.... go someplace now if you'd like?" He said, the tone indicating it was more of a question.

"Sure!" I said excitedly, hating how much doubt showed on his face. Normally he was a lot more relaxed. I wondered what he had on his mind. "Uh, is anything open? It's a little late for a coffee shop trip."

"Icecream?" He suggested.

"Sure! Who could say no to that?" I laughed, albeit a bit awkwardly, whatever was going on between us was NOT normal and I wanted to fix it immediately. I missed my Chaton.

We both stood up and grabbed our respective mode of transportation.

In a moment of fleeting nostalgia I shouted, "Race you!!" Then took off like a shot.

I heard a, "Hey, that's cheating!" Before I saw Chat in my peripheral, about 20 yards behind me.

I smirked and called back, "Cat-ch me if you can!!"

I watched as his grip on his staff slipped for a split second in shock, before he picked up his pace, now gaining on me, a playful smirk finally appearing on his face.

"Ah!! Now there's the chat we all know and love!! I was beginning to wonder if the Chat got your tongue!" I shouted, turning to stick my tongue out at him, but he was gone.

"Chat? Where did you-"

I let out a small shriek as I was tackled to the ground. Or at least the nearest rooftop.

"I thought cats always landed on their feet," I groaned.

He laughed, "Maybe so, but that's coming from the person on the ground."

"I'm on the ground because I was tackled!" I cried in faux irritation. In reality I was extremely happy to see Chat's playful side make a full comeback.

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