Chapter 20

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Marinette's POV

Chat Noir and I stood behind one of the legs of the Eiffel Tower, panting. We watched Cold Feet continue to rampage, ice and snow forming and taking hold of streets, buildings, and even a few pedestrians, in her wake.

We'd been trying different tactics with this akuma, ones that had worked on others in the past. Every plan either had no effect, or just made her angrier.

"Chat?" I said, still breathing hard. "I think we need a new plan."

"You can say that again." He mumbled.

"I think it might be time for some luck, no?"

He smiled, "Yeah, we could definitely use some luck right about meow. We are in a bit of a tight spot."

I rolled my eyes at his puns, but continued.

"Lucky Charm!!!"

What fell into my hand was definitely not what I would describe as the usual type of lucky charm.

"A movie ticket? What are you going to do with that? Ask her on a date??"

"Hmm,  you might be onto something Chat."

"Of cour- wait what? I am???"

I held up the ticket which read, "The Paris Regal Cinema".

"I think we should make a visit to the movie theatre."


Chat and I ran over rooftops and swung through alleyways, making our way toward the theatre.

"So why are we going to the movies? Right now is hardly the time for you to finally accept my offer for a movie date!"

I ignored his comment, as it brought up the worries and anxiety I was trying to push to the back of my mind.

"I'm not sure! I told you already, this is what my Lucky Charm is telling me to do, so that's what we're doing. Now shh! Stop asking questions!"

I could practically hear Chat pouting as he ran behind me. It made me smirk.

We arrived at the cinema and observed from the building we were on across the street.

This part of town hadn't been touched by the akuma, and this was made clear by the obvious lack of snow and ice.

"So why did your Lucky Charm lead us here? There's not much here."

"Oh, shush you! Maybe I should have left you to deal with the ice queen!! I'm sure you would've made a lovely ice statue." I rolled my eyes.

But then I frowned. Chat had a point. There didn't seem to be much there. I jumped off of the building and walked towards the theatre.  Maybe there was something useful inside?

Chat jumped down and walked next to me.

"You're right, I would have made a lovely ice sculpture! But lucky for you-"

"Shhh!!" I put my hand over his mouth, then pointed at one of the benches outside the cinema.

There was someone sitting there, his face buried in his hands. I walked over to him and sat by him on the bench, Chat following and sitting by me.

"Hey," I started gently. "Are you alright?"

The boy looked up startled. He looked to be about 19, maybe 20, and he had brown hair and bright hazel eyes which were shining with tears.

Immediately my heart softened.

"L-Ladybug? Chat Noir?" He rubbed his tear stained face with the sleeve of his jacket. "I- uh, I'm so sorry, I'm not normally..... sorry, yeah I'm alright. What, uh, what are you guys doing here?"

"My lucky charm led us to you." I said smiling gently. I held out the movie ticket, "do you happen to know what this means?"

He took it, examined it, then smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "I was supposed to take my girlfriend to this movie. I was going to propose over dinner afterwards, but she texted me saying she didn't feel very well." He said, handing the ticket back.

Chat spoke up. "Well, don't give up hope! Maybe she's really sick and didn't want to pass it on to you."

He sighed dejectedly. "I wanted to believe she was sick, she's never done anything like this in the past before. So, I brought her some of her favorite chocolate and some instant soup she could use now or later if she wanted, and her mom happily let me in. But when I got to her room she wasn't there, and one of the earrings I'd given her was on her desk."

I winced, "maybe she took it out to clean her ears or something?"

He shook his head. "That's a plausible reason, but I also found a note."

He pulled a piece of paper out of his jacket pocket and held it out for me to see.

"I'm sorry Devin, it's not you it's me."

There were also multiple lines scratched out that were illegible.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry... Devin was it?"

He nodded. Chat and I made eye contact and frowned, sympathy in our faces.

Devin swiped his sleeve across his face again and cleared his throat.

"I'm sure you guys aren't hear to listen to me mope. So, what's up? You said something about a Lucky Charm? Is there an Akuma?"

Chat and I nodded.

"The Akuma's name is Cold Feet, and she's been kind of running rampant for about an hour now, and we've had no luck." I told him.

"When we decided fighting head on wasn't going to work, my lovely partner here-" I elbowed him lightly at that, but he kept talking, his eyes twinkling with laughter. I rolled my eyes. "-called upon her mighty Lucky Charm and it led us here."

Devin nodded.

I jumped as my earrings beeped, reminding me I had a time limit after using my power.

I stood. "If you would excuse me, I will be back shortly. Chat? Carry on." I said, then sprinted away, praying Tikki hadn't eaten the whole cookie I'd given her in the cafe.


Adrien/Chat Noir's POV

Devin and I watched as m'Ladybug sprinted away. After she was out of sight I turned back to the boy on the bench.

"Do you think the Akuma has anything to do with me? Is that why Ladybug's Lucky Charm..." Suddenly he gasped. "Raelyn..." he whispered, the name barely audible.

He whipped his head towards me.

"What did the Akuma look like??"

I blinked.

"Uh, well, their appearance is usually pretty altered, but she has brown shoulder length hair, a pretty skinny build I guess..." I trialed off, not really remembering many details.

"What about her eyes? What color were her eyes??"

I contorted my face, trying to remember.


"Pale, Icy, Blue" an angelic voice said from behind me.

I turned to see Ladybug her miraculous fully charged. I grinned at her. She raised an eyebrow.

"Those eyes were rather hard to forget, I'm surprised at you kitty."

My heart skipped a beat. My brain had decided now was a great time to remind me that she could be my only soulmate, instead of this two soulmate crap. Could my Lady really be my sweet Princess as well?

"That sounds like Raelyn. She's pretty unforgettable."

I jumped at Devin's voice, having momentarily forgotten he was there.

He continued, looking at the paper he held in his hand, the earring in the other. "She's my soulmate you know. As soon as I saw her I knew it was her. When she said her name it only confirmed it."

Both Ladybug and I tensed at 'soulmate'. We made eye contact, then Ladybug walked around the bench to face Devin.

She knelt in front of him.

"I know this might seem like a lot to ask, but we could use your help if you're up for it."

He looked up immediately. "I'd do anything to help her."

I smiled. What I wouldn't do to be able to say that to Ladybug.

Ladybug stood and extended her hand. Devin accepted it and let her help him up, letting go of her hand once he was standing.

She turned to look at me, smiling.

"Alright! Then let's get going, shall we?"


One (only slightly awkward) bridal carry later, we arrived in an alleyway back in the vicinity of reigning chaos. Ladybug peered out at Cold Feet before walking back toward us.

"And you're sure you're okay with this Devin? You can back out now, absolutely no shame in that."

I saw Devin stand up a bit taller, and knew that he was thinking there was definitely shame in that. I wouldn't judge him for backing out, and neither would Lady, but it was a matter of pride, and I would've felt the same.

"I'm sure."

Ladybug nodded, and continued.

"Good. But don't forget, if things start to go south, Chat and I are here to back you up, and we can and will pull you out of harm's way if necessary."

"You won't need to." He said, before walking out of the alleyway.

Lady wrapped her arm around me, standing at my side, and I used my pole to vault us up to the roof.

We kept to the shadows, watching as Devin stepped closer to the Akuma.

"RAELYN!!" He shouted at the Akuma, his stance firm. "LISTEN RAELYN, I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!!"

Cold Feet turned towards his voice and Ladybug and I pulled out our weapons, ready to intervene.

"I am not Raelyn, I am COLD FEET!! Prepare to-"

As she met his gaze, she tensed, her face going from furious to almost scared, even helpless, her eyes brimming with tears.Then all of the sudden she sprinted, (or glided) away.

Ladybug and I stood, confused. Devin looked up at us and shrugged.

Ladybug and I jumped down from out position on the roof.

"Wow, she froze!! Maybe that's why she got that name. She was like a deer in the headlights. Could've mistaken her for one of her own ice statues."

Lady gave me the look she often gives me after a particularly fabulous string of puns. I smirked and raised my eyebrows, already trying to think of more puns to use at the next convenient.  moment.

Devin frowned. "I don't know why she would run..."

"It's likely that she wanted to protect you and the best way to do that was to run away." Lady said trying to comfort him.

I shrugged. "Or maybe Elsa froze her heart and the only thing that can restore her to her right mind is an act of true love."

Ladybug smacked me and glared, before her facial expression changed to thoughtfulness.

I rubbed my arm.

"I hate to admit it, but I think you're right again Chat."

"Why is that 'hate to admit'? I'm smart! I have good ideas!!" I pouted.

Devin chuckled and Ladybug laughed. Mission accomplished.

"Alright silly kitty." She said smiling. "Okay, so, new plan again. But this time? This time it'll work."


Marinette/Ladybug's POV

"And you're sure you're okay with this Devin?"

"Yes, yes, I'll be fine." He assured me, then frowned. "I'm more worried about Raelyn. I only hope she'll forgive me."

My heart gave out. This boy was so sweet! His girlfriend is a lucky girl.

I glanced over at... my soulmate. Whether he was one of two soulmates or both halves of one whole soulmate, I gave up caring. I just knew I loved him as himself.

I blinked away my thoughts. Realizing I was caught in my awkward smile-stare at Chat when I noticed both boys looking at me. I blushed but otherwise pretended nothing had happened.

"So? What are we waiting for? Let's get to it!"

Chat and I turned to look at Devin, who stood and smiled.

We stood as well, before taking off out of the alleyway together, Devin staying behind to wait for his cue.

"Hey Ice Queen!!" Chat called. "I thought you, ya know, hid up in the mountains or something! In an ice and snow palace? Why are you in town? Visiting some cryogeniticized family?"

"Chat, I don't think "cryogeniticized" is a word." I mumbled, rolling my eyes with amusement.

"It is! It totally is! Shh!" He whispered back, waving his hands at me dismissively.

I laughed quietly.

The akuma turned towards us, her frozen tear icicles longer than when we'd last seen her.

"How many times do I have to tell you, you mangy cat?? It's Cold Feet!! And I have nothing to do with the Ice Queen!!!"

The anger in her face was a little intimidating to say the least, but somehow Chat Noir was able to continue rambling with no qualms whatsoever.

"First of all," Chat began, "I'm not mangy!! I go to the groomers!! This fur is silky soft!!-"

I rolled my eyes again. "Chat you don't have any fur."

He ignored me.

"-And second off, what's your opinion on the word 'cryogeniticized'? Apparently Lady doesn't think it's a word, but it sounds like a fancy sciencey word to me!!"

I would have commented, but I was supposed to be being sneaky, making my way behind her while Chat distracted her.

Instead of responding, Cold Feet began to turn around, towards me.

I froze. (Pun not intended.)

"Fine." Chat said.

Seriously?! He was going to let her turn around?

"But before you leave, would you like to know what Devin told me?"

Cold Feet whipped around so fast I'm surprised she didn't get whiplash.

I continued to sneak up behind her. Finally in the right position.

"Now!!" I called.

Before she could react, she was wrapped up in my Yo-yo string, and Chat used his staff as a tension rod between the buildings on either side of the road. All of this effectively wrapping Cold Feet in a cocoon.

She struggled against her binds to no avail.

"Seems kind of appropriate for something caused by a butterfly don't you think?" I asked, turning to Chat.

"Good one m'lady!!" He grinned at me.

Right then Devin sprinted out of the alleyway.


She saw him and began struggling harder.

He walked up to her and gently placed his hands on her upside down face.

"Forgive me." He whispered before kissing her.

Chat and I stood there awkwardly half-watching, the fact that she was an akuma requiring that much of us.

They eventually broke apart, and all of the snow on her had melted. Even the snow and ice around us had melted a little.

Raelyn, still akumatized, closed her eyes, and whispered something to Devin who reached towards her before turning to us.

He held out his hand, a sparkly earring in his palm.

"The akuma is in here." He said.

I took it and nodded. I gently let Raelyn down out of her cocoon of yo-yo string, Devin there to catch her.

I stomped on the earring, the akuma flying out.

"That's enough evil doing for you little akuma. Time to de-evilize!!"

I caught the akuma and set the purified butterfly free. Then I called on my Miraculous Cleanse which repaired any damage that had been done.

I turned to Chat as he turned toward me.

"Pound it!!" We both said in unison.

When we made eye contact, both our faces went blank, and we stood there staring at each other.

"Hey guys!" Devin called "...uh, guys?"

We both jolted, jumping away.

"Uh.. yeah?! Yeah, what's up?" I asked, folding my arms, my nerves deciding to make an appearance.

"Well, we were wondering if you would drop us off at the theatre?"

Raelyn nodded. "We're all the way across town and... we don't really have a way to get there..."

"And it starts in half an hour, which is not enough time to walk, or even take the bus." Devin added.
"We know it's a little unconventional..."

"Absolutely!" I smiled. "Oh! But Raelyn, are you alright? Being an akuma victim is never something one looks forward to, or even enjoys looking back on."

She blinked, probably at the familiarity in my tone, before answering.

"I'm alright." She smiled. "Thanks to this sweet boy of mine."

Then she frowned, looking at the ground.

"I'm so sorry Devin, I don't know what happened. I guess I was really nervous."

He pulled her close.

"I'm alright. Don't worry about me. I'm just glad you're okay."


He just held her tighter.

She relaxed into his embrace, and I found myself wishing I could have that.

As we waited for them to have their moment, I looked anywhere except for the boy beside me.

I didn't want to think about what came with the connection my brain had already made that I was conveniently ignoring.

Eventually the couple in front of us broke apart, and we carried them all the way across town within a minute.

When we set down outside the cinema, the two of them thanked us. As they turned to walk into the front lobby of the theatre, Raelyn turned.

"You guys should join us!! There's plenty of seats left!! It would be fun!!"

She smiled at us.

I turned to look at Chat.

"What do you think?" He asked, softly.

I turned back to Raelyn.

"We'll think about it. Thanks for the invite!!"

Both she and Devin nodded, walking hand and hand through the doors.

I walked over to the bench we'd found Devin on. It was mostly out of sight, which is why we hadn't seen him from the roof.

I sat down as did Chat, a little more distance between us than usual.

"Soooo... uh, listen....Chat?" I managed after a bit of awkward silence.

He turned to look me in the eyes, and we studied each other's eyes for a minute, before I looked back at the ground, continuing.

I sighed, letting air out between my lips.

"There's really no easy way to say, or ask this...."

"I understand the feeling." He mumbled.

"But... Well.... ugh." I placed my face in my palms, groaning. "Okay. So, I'm going to tell you about this guy I... the guy I'm in love with."

I couldn't bring myself to look at his face, but I heard him inhale, startled. I continued.

"The first time I met him, well, it might've been earlier than I thought. I was extremely unsure of myself, and I managed to rope him into the mess I was in. The second time I met him was different. I was under the impression that he was something he wasn't, and I misjudged him.

"But he came to me to right the wrong I thought he did, and that's when I saw him for the first time. Really saw him you know?

"After that, it seemed like he could do no wrong in my eyes. But I still somehow managed to push him away, the very opposite of what I was trying to do.

"I saw him, and each time it felt like this boy was absolutely perfect for me. If only I could get him to notice me, right? Well he did! He noticed me, and we were so happy together. But even still I felt something was missing. But what was it?

"And at the time, I didn't know what was missing. But then I realized what it was. I couldn't see him for what he really was, and eventually, very slowly, I realized what I was missing." I smiled. "And I am in love with that boy."

Chat smiled softly, looking off into the distance.

"He's a very lucky guy"

"I'd say I'm the lucky one." I smiled softly before continuing. "And here I am, wondering if he feels the same way..."


Adrien/Chat Noir's POV

"I'm sure he does, Lady." I said, feeling let down. I guess I was wrong after all. At the very least I still have my Princess. "He'd be a fool not to."

She giggled awkwardly. "Well it's a good thing you're no fool kitty."

I smiled again. "Yep."

I was already starting to get lost in my thoughts. How could I have been so wrong? It had seemed to make so much sense at the time!

"Uh... kitty cat? Am I... going to have to spell it out for you?"

I blinked. "Spell what out?"

She raised an eyebrow.

"'I'm smart,' he says, 'I can figure things out' he says, 'it'll be fine' he says." She mumbled under her breath.

"Wait... wait, what do you mean I'm no fool? What do I have to do with this?"

She looked at me blankly.

I was very lost.

She sighed.

"It means I'm in love with you, you dumb cat!!"

I opened and closed my mouth, absolutely bewildered.

"You... Me?... What??" I paused. "But what about your soulmate?"

"You are my soulmate dingus."

"Well yeah but your other one?"

"Please tell me you're not actually this oblivious."

I sat there staring at the trees and bushes surrounding us. "So wait... I was right?"

She gave me a look.

".... Marinette????"

Even she looked startled to hear her name. Her name. Holy cow that was Ladybugs's name!! Well, that answered my question that I had partially forgotten I was going to ask.

Suddenly she switched to adopt some of her Marinette mannerisms.

Giving me finger guns she said, "Ahahaha, yep that's me!! And I totally didn't just confess my love to Adrien Agreste. Shoot, I did."

I tensed at my name. "Adrien... That's... that's me... yep..."

We sat there awkwardly for what felt like forever. I was internally freaking out, because holy crap I was right, and how could it have been so obvious yet so unclear at the same time?! What were we going to do, how were we-

Suddenly Ladybug, (Marinette!!) jumped up and extended her hand to me.

"Well, that movie starts soon, if we head in now, we'll only miss the previews!!"

I studied her hand, almost fearfully, a little afraid I was dreaming.

She kept it there. "I've done enough freaking out for now, and I'm sure you have too. How about we make a truce to freak out later, so we can pretend things are normal, just for today?"

I finally took her hand.



Marinette/Ladybug's POV

As we walked inside, still holding hands after Chat(Adrien!!) accepted it to stand, I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding.

I felt Chat Noir lean down to whisper in my ear.

"And just for the record? I'm in love with you too."


AND THAT'S A WRAP FOLKS!! Holy cow I cannot even believe.... holy crap it's over guys!

I am planning to add a bonus chapter or two, so look forward to that! But that concludes the main storyline!

Let me know if the reveal was weird, or what you thought. It was definitely different then any other reveal I've read.

This chapter is dedicated to everyone who reads this book, at any point in time, but more specifically to my four greatest cheerleaders. Ashtyn, Natalie, Mackenzie, and Kaya!! Love you guys!! And I love you my readers!!

Thank you guys so much for sticking with me to the end, and reading my cringey grammar and sentence structure. I love you guys so much!!!


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