Chapter 19

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Adrien's POV

I watched Marinette speed out of the classroom and grabbed my bag.

I sighed, then noticed the classroom was eerily quiet.

I looked up at Mr. Dubois, the History teacher. He had his eyebrows raised but was rifling through the papers he held in his hands.

I snuck a glance behind me to see the rest of the class either looking at me, or out the windows in the direction Marinette ran. There were a few students dutifully minding their own business and packing their things, but I shrunk under the gazes of the ones looking at me.

I awkwardly waved at no one in particular, putting on a very fake smile (it was more of a grimace really) before turning toward the door, Nino falling into step.

"Yo, you alright?"

I looked at Nino, my eyes unfocused, and nodded as we walked out the door and presumably towards our next class.

Nino didn't question me further and I absentmindedly walked, following Nino, nor really able to focus on where I was going.

We sat down in another classroom, and if it hadn't been for Ms. LaRue, our mathematics teacher, passing out our assignment, I would have had no idea which class we were in.

I sat down and stared at the worksheet without really seeing it. My mind was elsewhere.

Had that really happened?? Could it really be possible? There's no way! It makes no sense whatsoever!!

I groaned quietly and my face fell into my folded arms on the desk.

Of course it made sense. It made perfect sense. Hadn't Ladybug said she had the same birthday as Marinette?

That day was... I didn't even have a good description for it. It was the day Marinette and I had revealed our marks to the class.

I scoffed. It was more like the entire school really.

It was also the day that I had found my second mark, and the day Ladybug found hers. That night was one of the best I'd ever spent with Ladybug, laying on our backs on the Eiffel Tower, watching the stars.

After that day I started spending more time with Marinette, and I saw Ladybug a few more times as well. We even went out for ice cream!

I smiled into my arms, then froze. What flavor had Marinette gotten?

Strawberry. I remember she was delighted it came with a real slice of strawberry stuck into the top.

But... What flavor had Ladybug gotten??

"-Can I get a double strawberry waffle cone?"

I sat up suddenly.


Ms. LaRue gave me a look over her glasses and the papers she was grading. Apparently I'd missed the start of class announcements while I was... having a mental breakdown.

I smiled and picked up my pencil, wanting to look like I was at least trying to work on my assignment.

Instead I began tapping my pencil on my leg.

Shoot, shoot, shoot.

"Well you don't know for sure," I tried to reason with myself, "maybe it's all a crazy coincidence! She did say she and Alya had picked up the mannerism."

I sighed again, earning another furtive glance from my teacher.

This was too complicated. I didn't ask for this to happen! Why did everything have to go and get so complicated??

I put my face in my hands and stared out the window sighing. No longer caring what Ms. LaRue thought of me.

I was startled out of my thoughts by the bell. I hurriedly packed up my papers and then turned to face Nino and-

"Uh, bro... Where did Alya go?"

Nino chuckled slightly.

"She left after Marinette. It's been a whole class period bro." Nino snickered into his hand.

I laughed awkwardly, and Nino raised an eyebrow.

He shook his head. "C'mon dude. Let's head to PE. I'm sure the girls will catch up with us later."

I nodded and we walked out of the classroom.

I knew one thing for sure, I was going to have to talk to Marinette, or possibly even Ladybug about this. And if I was wrong?

I shook my head and pursed my lips.

If I was wrong, I would have to live with the disappointment of losing them. Losing either of them would be detrimental. I had grown to love spending time with both of them. All I could do was take a deep breath and hope for the best.


Nino and I were pulling our gym clothes from our lockers laughing about something he had said.

"-Alya was sO mad Adrien, you have no idea. I'm just glad I wasn't the one her anger was targeted at."

I laughed.

"I'm sure she was! I can't believe-"

Suddenly the ground shook and we both fell against the lockers.

Nino groaned from his awkward position, halfway in his locker.

I was about to ask him if he was alright, but he apparently saw the worry in my face.

"I'm fine, s'okay" he grumbled, standing up.

I sighed in relief, then tensed remembering I had somewhere to be. I threw my gym clothes back in my locker and slammed it shut.

"Gotta go Nino!" I called, already headed out the door.

"Adrien! Wha- where are you going?!"

I just waved dismissively.

I sprinted out of the school, and dove behind the bushes to transform.

"Plagg!" I whispered, "duty calls!"

"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh" I heard Plagg whine before he flew out of my jacket. "You'd better have cheese waiting as soon as we get home."

I rolled my eyes.

"Plagg, you literally just ate like 3 pounds of cheese not even two hours ago!"

Plagg flew towards my face and belched. I crinkled my nose.

"Cheese Adrien. I. Want. Cheese."

"Fine! But that doesn't matter now. Plagg!? Claws Out!!"


Marinette's POV

The late bell rang for 5th hour, and I was still pouting on the floor.

Alya stood and extended her hand to pull me up.

"I've decided, screw math class, I'm taking you out for comfort food."

I brushed off my pants and grabbed my bag.

"But Alya, we can't just skip math!"

"Sure we can! C'mon!" Alya grinned at me, slinging her own bag over her shoulder.

I looked at her suspiciously. She rolled her eyes.

"Oh c'mon girl! My treat!"

I smirked.

"Oh, well if you insist."

I had expected her to roll her eyes or laugh at my joke, but she didn't.

Instead she said, "I do insist."

I sighed. "Alright"


Alya said she wanted to show me a cute little cafe I'd never been to before. Alya grabbed her bike from the rack in front of the school, but I didn't have mine, so we snuck across the street to my house to grab it from the garage.

We arrived and locked up our bikes. The cafe was called Le Petit Citron, and I decided Alya was right. It was very cute. We walked inside and I looked around at the pastel yellow walls with white trim, and the yellow and green tables, with white metal chairs. The yellow wallpaper even had lemon and lime decal stickers.

Forget cute, this place was adorable.

We sat down at a yellow table by the window, and one of the workers walked over to take our orders.

"Alya!! Good to see you!! What can I get for you today?" The girl smiled brightly.

"Hey Peggy! I'd like a vanilla latte, extra whipped cream on the top, and a chocolate eclair."

The worker, her nametag reading Peggy,  smiled and wrote something on her notepad. "Absolutely! And what about you miss?" She asked, looking over at me, "What can I get for you today?"

I smiled. "I would like a hot chocolate, and..." I said looking down at the menu, "a lemon cupcake, and a cookie."

As I said this, I looked over at Alya to make sure this was alright. She nodded.

"Of course miss..." Peggy trailed off.

"Marinette!" I smiled.

"Welcome Marinette! And Alya!! It's so good to see you!! I'll get right on those orders for you guys!"

Alya and I thanked her, and sat looking out the window.

"This place is adorable Alya!! How did you find it?" I smiled enthusiastically.

"I didn't find it actually, Nino did. I don't know how he came across it, but when he brought me here the first time I fell in love with it and have been coming ever since." She smiled out the window contentedly as she relayed this information.

"That's fantastic!! You guys are so cute!!" I practically squealed.

Alya laughed. "You and your boy are absolutely perfect as well girl, it was meant to be I'm telling you."

I laughed, blushing. "Thanks."

But then I remembered why we had ditched school.

However, before I could say anything Peggy came back.

"Hi ladies!! Here's your order!! I hope you enjoy!!"

Alya took the lead again. "We will of course! Thank you Peggy!"

Peggy nodded and smiled.

"Can I get you guys anything else?"

Alya nodded. "Can I get the check now so I don't forget?"

"Absolutely! Anything else?"

I looked at Alya and shook my head. She smiled.

"Nope! But how's your cousin? The one who just started working at the American cafe?"

"Oh! Ava! Of course, she's doing pretty well I think! I mean she's finally got a boy, it only took her ages."

They laughed, and I just smiled awkwardly, not knowing what they were talking about.

"Just like Mari here! Finally got the boy of her dreams!" she gave me a smug smile.

I tensed. "Alya!" I hissed at her, feeling my face turn red.

"I'm only teasing, girl, you know I love you."

I pretended to pout, folding my arms.

"And how's Nino?" Peggy asked.

While they were busy, I picked up the cookie I'd ordered, opened my clutch, and gave it to Tikki who smiled at me before I closed the bag again.

I leaned back in my chair and sipped my hot chocolate.

My eyes went wide, it was delicious!! I was absolutely going to have to start coming here more often.

"-Alright, well, I'll leave you two be, enjoy your food!!"

I smiled. "Thanks Peggy! It's really good!!" She beamed at me and left to grab the check.

I took a bite of lemon cupcake before turning to Alya.

"ErmigowshAwyia" I said through the crumbs. "Diwshishdewifshas"

She snorted.

"Girl I have no idea what you just said."

I swallowed. "I said, 'this is delicious.'"

"Of course it is! I love this place. Now, back on topic, sorry to bring it up but it's necessary. You were about to start moping again before Peggy showed up so spill."

I sighed grimacing.

"It's just, if he is... like, if he is the same person, I mean if they are the same person, then what do I have to lose? Nothing! But if they're not, then I have everything to lose."

"Girl!!! You seriously need to just ask him. Communication!!! If you have a problem, just ask him and he will do his best to help you!"

"But Alya!!!" I whined, then lowered my voice, "my secret identity, remember? I'm not going to walk up to Adrien and just say, 'oh hey Adrien, I'm Ladybug, and I was wondering if you were Chat Noir. Why you ask? Just to make sure I'm not in love with two different guys!!' Yeah, No big Alya, that's so simple."

Just then Peggy walked over with the check. She smiled, winked at Alya, and grinned at me. She placed the check down, then hurried away.

Alya placed a few bills in the check's black cover, which included a pretty generous tip, signed it, then placed it back on the table before speaking again.

"Listen, I'm serious! All you need to do-"

Alya was interrupted by the entire building shaking, and the sound of glass and porcilin dishes shattering. We turned to the window only to see it was covered in frost.

Alya turned to me.

"Perfect! Now get your booty out there and talk to your boy in cat ears."

"Alya!! Now is not the time for-"

"Mari! There's no time to argue this!! The bathroom!! Go, go, go! Shoo!!"

I shook my head groaning. Alya was a force to be reckoned with for sure.

As I pulled open the bathroom door, I glanced over at Alya to see her sipping her latte, studying the window as if her life wasn't in danger.


After transforming and slipping out of the window in the bathroom, I flew propelled by my yo-yo towards what seemed to be the epicenter of the ruckus.

I landed on a building above the akumatized villain to observe. I used my yo-yo to get a closer look, but before I managed this, I was startled by a sudden noise behind me. I spun around, wrapping my yo-yo string around,

"Chat Noir???"

He grinned up at me from his awkward position on the ground.

"Why, hello M'lady! I sorry, I didn't realize you were so skittenish!!"

I laughed then rolled my eyes, releasing him. "C'mon kitty, focus. Who is this ice.. lady? What does she do?"

He stood, brushing himself off.

"Well as far as I've seen she definitely has ice or snow powers, she's been rampaging around yelling gibberish, and everywhere she goes the surrounding area drops in temperature, quite drastically."

"Do you know where her akuma is?"

"No clue, but this cat doesn't exactly have a thing for snow. If we don't hurry I'm going to freeze my tail off."

I rolled my eyes. "You'll be fine. Ready to jump in?"

He nodded, "but before I forget, I have a question for you."

"You're going to have to remember it Chat, now's not the time. Let's go!!"

We lept over rooftops until we were a couple buildings ahead of her. Chat on the left after using his staff to jump to the buildings across the street, and I on the right.

We jumped off the buildings and landed in the allyways between the two buildings we'd been on, and the next two.

Chat and I made eye contact before nodding and sprinting out in front of the akuma. Her skin appeared to be completely frozen, but frostbite still creeped its way up her arms and legs. Her dress was an icy blue, even more ice crawling up her clothes as softly and delicately as lace.

But the part that was the most jarring were her eyes. They were the brightest, iciest, palest blue eyes I had ever seen, and she was crying. Her tears turning into icicles hanging from her face.

 Her tears turning into icicles hanging from her face

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I jolted back, feeling pity grow in my stomach. This girl looked absolutely heartbroken and dejected.

I shook my head. What this girl needed right now was to be freed from her akuma, not my pity.

She looked me dead in the eyes and her voice boomed, even though she barely seemed to whisper.

"I am-"

"Let me guess, Elsa?" Chat grinned, raising an eyebrow.

She turned to him. "It's Cold Feet!"

He smirked. "Whatever you say, Ice Queen."

He looked over at me.

"You ready M'lady?"

I smirked. "Let's go."


AND THERE IT IS!! Chapter 19!!! I've changed the layout of my chapters a bit, 20 is going to be the reveal and the end of the book, so look for that soon!!


And thank YOU to all of my readers!! Whoever you are, and wherever you hail from!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!! THANKS FOR COMING BACK WITH EVERY UPDATE!!


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