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Sai: sees many buildings ahead, separated by roads looking like a maze, he shouts immediately "run between buildings, and don't you ever run in a straight line!"

Sura: with a pale face and a voice consumed by fear, she says "they knew our location and they aren't showing on the indicator, how could this be possible! "

Sai: let's think about that when we get out of here

Sura: looks at the indicator and screams "Sai, there are voids ahead!"

Sai: as the shock swallows his expressions, he puts his hand on his forehead and says while forcing himself to be quiet "calm down, we will find a way out"

Yonah: as despair controls her thoughts, she says "dad... Are we going to survive this?"

Sai: exhales, trying to stabilize himself and with a soothe voice says "yes sweetie, just follow my instructions, Sura is there any close building with any NUOE left?"

Sura: yes, but... There are two voids close to it, Sai... What are we going to do?

Sai: just continue running, and give me the indicator

Sura: throws the indicator to Sai

Sai: looks at the indicator, raises his head looking at Yonah and Sura, and smiles saying "I have an idea, I... Just hope it works, Yonah throw me three guns... Now!"

Yonah: throws the guns to Sai

Sai: follow me! Runs on a path where voids are on the sides, but not seen, then immediately changes his path and goes straight to the right

Sura: what are you doing Sai? We're going directly into the voids!

Sai: just... Trust me

When the voids become visible the scavengers stop following them and turn back

Two voids start following them, Sai throws three guns in front of him while continuing to run, times an electrical grenade for 5 seconds and throws it on the guns, the electrical grenade donates destroying the guns and causing a powerful light and heat, the voids transform into Ronic state

Sai: files SB while continues running, opens the door and shouts "hurry up entering, there is no fucking time!"

All of them enter the building while six voids are following

Sai: opens sunbeams barrier and throws the indicator to Sura

Loud screaming voices arise, voices heard before, voices of past wounds, voices of people getting their life taken from them

Sai, Sura, and Yonah continue surviving, Sura telling Sai about the number and direction of the voids, Sai staring and shutting SBB to save as much NUOE as possible and Yonah destroying the guns they have to get the core out so she can increase NUOE of the building

After three hours, the sun is rising

Sai: with happiness overcoming his fatigue, he shouts "the sun is finally rising... We made it!"

Sura: looks at Sai with a sad look and says "no Sai... We have to make sure they are dead first"

Sai: the happiness his face holds just vanishes, he looks at Yonah sleeping and says "stay with Yonah and I will investigate"

Sura: no, both of us should go, there is no one near and she's sleeping

Sai: then let's hurry up

They reach the left side

Sai: while moving slowly he says "be careful"

Sura: how many of them were there?

Sai: according to the recording, they were eight

A powerful smell is being felt

Sai: it looks like the place, sees many corpses varying in decomposition depth and site

Sura: they are eight corpses, it must be them, her face rose with a smile, she turns her head to Sai, and says "you did it, you saved us!" hugs Sai and kisses him

Sai: No, we did it, hugs her back and says "now let's start working, you loot and investigate, I will watch if something happens"

Sura: understood

Sura: as she starts looting, she finds some gadgets and says "Sai... I found something"

Sai: what is it?

Sura: look, gives a gadget to Sai

Sai: investigates it and says "this is an electrical shield, but... Is it the reason that prevented the indicator from sensing them?"

Sura: yes, but not only that take this, throws an indicator to Sai

Sai: an indicator too? From where could they get such equipment?

Sura: look at the logo, seems familiar?

Sai: no, I don't think so

Sura: I feel like I've seen such a logo before, but I can't really remember where

Sai: after using the indicator, he says "the indicator doesn't show the location of voids, this means that it has been created before SOULONOMIYA, were there companies working secretly on SOUL?"

Sura: I don't know Sai... But could this be Nalaho?

Sai: No, of course not! If they don't want us, why would they share the broadcast? Those equipment definitely are pre-apocalyptic

Sura: I don't feel good about this Sai

Sai: calm down, honey, you are tired and it's not a good time to think, let's take everything and go back to Yonah, we will talk about it when we wake up

Sura: deal

After 5 hours

Sai: so let's recap everything, some people use upgraded electrical shields, have indicators, but only for SOUL and they were following us just to kill us, so what do you think?

Sura: about the equipment, I think that they have stolen it from a factory that was working before SOULONOMYIA, because they didn't look like scientists or act like ones, for the last part, after analyzing the indicators, I found out that they can locate other ones, so I think they were afraid of us following them and this also confirms that they are not the ones who crafted that equipment

Sai: this does make sense, I think that equipment was created for military purposes, sigh... We may be going to encounter more scavengers like them again, or ones using different equipment, lets upgrade our indicator and make two others, let's make them sense the dark matter within, what do you think?

Sura: that would be perfect

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