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Sura: we should be safe here, there are no voids nearby and we have more than enough NUOE

Sai: ok, that's good to hear, Yonah show me what you've collected from that store

Yonah: gives a bag to Sai and says "well, there's nothing worth the trouble, most of it was just a weird-looking juice, it's called Milo or something"

Sai: eyes open widely, quickly takes the bag and opens it, sees a red bottle of vodka, at the sides of its center there are two strings end with a firework looking branches, and with letters distributed along, reading "Mieelo"

Sura: sees Sai and confusingly says "what's wrong honey?"

Sai: keeps staring at the bottle without a response

Sura: with fear consuming her patience, comes immediately to see the bag, her expressions wipe out, even fear no longer holds a place on her face

Yonah: tries to keep being silent but as time goes on, worries keep conquering her thoughts until she's forced to talk saying "dad, mom, what's wrong? Is there anything I can help with?" After seeing them staying quiet, she holds them as hard as she can, trying to do the best she can

Sura: holds Yonah, buries her head within her chest, and closes her eyes, trying to hold thoughts in place

Sai: hollow eyes opened, but see nothing, words force their way out "ah, Neko... It looks like you won't show up this time..."

Sura: as she remembers Neko's words, her ability to hold the tears wipes as she bursts out crying, forces her eyes to be closed with her hand holding them tight...

After about half an hour

Sai: while looking at the ground, raises his eyes looking at Sura, smiles, and says "I still remember her first compliment, and... Well me fucking it up"

Sura: as a tiny smile penetrates her mouth she says "you literally fucked it up"

Sai: at least I made it up for you... Both of you

Sura: you sure did, it was a big day

Sai: I don't think we would be together if wouldn't be for her, so as long as we are together, she will always be here

Sura: with a delighted face, says "forever then?"

Sai: relies his head on Sura's shoulder and says "forever"

Yonah: smiles and hugs them

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