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3rd person
"When is this class over?"
Amanda asked and laid on the table lazily.
"I don't know but we have to figure out what story we are going to retell or whatever." The blonde answered quickly and began researching the internet on her computer in front of her.
"You do it. I don't want to."
"Amanda this is a group project. You are doing this rather you like it or not, I am not going to look like an idiot up there alone. I know I sound like an annoying teacher but you are really starting to piss me off by acting like you're too good for this school."
Liz gave her a pissed look before typing away again.
"I will not do this shitty project with you." Amanda hissed back.
"You just like pissing me off don't you? I'm not going to let you sleep in this class so get the fuck up and choose a book for our presentation."
Amanda was pretty shocked.
This girl was talking back and she had barely just stepped into this school.
What the hell was going on?
"You can't tell me to do shit." The taller looked at the smaller girl.
"Try me." She spoke back with a giggle.
"I'm not doing this stupid project with you. Deal with it."
"Well then I'm not doing it."
"Then we'll just get an F."
"You're so childish, all I'm asking you to do is to pick a book and research it while I write the details down. It's not that fucking hard."
Liz turned around and moved her computer closer to her as well, leaving a pissed Amanda to her left.
She didn't know what to say back so she slid down her chair, under the table and went out the classrooms door.
"Amanda!" The teacher called out and walked after her.
"Leave her be. I don't need her for the project anyways and she won't be doing anything at all in your class." Liz harshly said which made the teacher stop in her steps.

It was lunch time now.
All the kids streamed into the cafeteria eager for some yummy food and to gossip with their friends.
"What in the world is this! This is like diarrhoea with some chunks in it!" A boy called out making his friend group chuckle loudly.
When everyone had sat down Liz had found herself sitting alone.
She looked behind her and saw Amanda sitting alone as well.
She laughed to herself quietly and stood up, taking her lunch with her and walking boldly over to the brunette.

"Sitting all alone huh?" The blonde slammed herself in a seat across Amanda.
"Why the fuck are you here?"
Amanda looked up and stared deeply into Liz's soul.
"I don't even know you're name."
"Well it's easy to ask what my name is but since it's so hard for you I'll tell you. I'm Liz."
Liz said while munching on a cracker.
"I don't fucking care-"
"Nice to meet you too Amanda. How come you're all alone?"
Amanda looked up once more.
She didn't say anything in response, she just stared at Liz.
Liz chucked and waved her hand infront of Amanda, trying to get an answer out of her.
"My friends are dickheads and didn't leave space for me because all the stupid girlfriends need to be glued to their idiot boyfriends." She sighed and went back to dragging the fork in the brown sauce.
"That's stupid of them. You can pretend I'm you're girlfriend so you can get space at the table."
There was silence after the blond said that. Amanda stopped playing with her food and Liz just stared at Amanda who froze and blushed slightly.
"What the fuck?" Amanda then laughed and looked at Liz in question.
"Are you trying to flirt with me?" She added still with the same look.
"Maybe." The other shrugged slightly before sipping on her water.
Amanda scoffed since she didn't have anything else to say.
"I'm just joking. Although I did come here for a reason and it'll probably ruin you're whole day."
The blonde smiled brightly.
"What is it?"
"Well you see..the group project..I didn't get much done and was thinking if we could work on it after school. It's due in a week and it's just best to get it out of the way."
"Fuck off no."
Amanda spat out and stood up but stopped when Liz took her hand.
"Then you can fuck around in history class tomorrow because we'll finish the project and you'll have nothing to do."
"Not buying it." Amanda walked away.
"Oh come on Amanda! I'll make a deal!" Liz called out making Amanda stop and turn around.
"What is it?"
"What's what?"
"The deal idiot."
"I'll Uhm..I'll buy you Starbucks afterwards?" The small girl cringed at herself.
"Wait what?"
And before Liz could even open her eyes, Amanda was gone and the next class was starting.

☦︎ ︎ 𝒜𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓂𝑒𝓇𝒸𝓎   ☦︎︎ (𝑔𝑥𝑔 ⚢) Where stories live. Discover now