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Liz's pov
I put one of my hand next Amanda's head and stroked Amanda's jaw line with the other before grabbing her jaw harshly and slamming my face onto hers.
I felt her trying to flip us over so I took both of her hands and pinned them above her head.
She desperately tried to free herself from my grip, but I only tightened mine.

I held both of her hands above her head with one hand as my other hand lingered up and down her side.
I grabbed her belt loop and pulled up, she moaned quietly as I allowed her to grind on me. (I need help:) )
I grinned widely as I heard her moan.

I had totally forgot about kissing and was just focusing on the way she was pressing herself up against me. This allowed Amanda to easily free herself from my grip and flip us over.
"Oh how the tables have turned" she shook her head as she chuckled in a low tone. And before I knew it I was in yet another make out session.

We stopped and quickly separated, Amanda standing up and me scooting as far as I could behind the comfy chair in the corner of her bedroom.
"Mom, I told you to knock." She panicked and ran her fingers trough her hair.
Her shirt was halfway up on one side as well as her pants pulled a little down.
She fixed it as quickly as possible.
"I..I'll just leave, I'm sorry."
And she did.
She closed the door quietly and walked in a hurry down the stairs.
Me and Amanda stared at the door and then at each other multiple times before speaking.
"Continue or?" Amanda asked and walked back to me, putting her hand out to me. I shyly took it and stood up, fixing my clothes a little and brushing a couple hair strands behind my ear.
"I..I think this is good for now" I awkwardly laughed and sat on the bed.
"Listen I'm sorry, I have no clue what got into me.."
"No it's totally fine, don't worry.."

You can do it again.

"Let's try and finish this" I laughed awkwardly and sat down in front of the computer. I could hear Amanda doing something behind me but decided not to question it.
"Hey, we can sit more comfortably on the bed." She called out and I turned around. I nodded with a smile and moved onto her bed with all of my stuff. She got a few pillows and blankets out of some basket and threw it at me. "Hey!" I laughed and reached for the cozy blanket. It was red and fuzzy, super cozy and nice just how I liked it. I also put a few pillows behind me and one under the computer. Amanda then finally laid down besides me. She fidgeted around, trying probably every position possible. "Damn, you take a lot of space." I giggled, "well I am a large human and need to be in the best position ever to study garbage like this."
"Yeah just spit in my face, that's fine." I squinted my eyes only to get a loud laugh in response.

But she would not stop moving and  turning around. "Here how about we try something like this?" I suggested and scooted in front of her. I guess she got the signal since she opened her legs and allowed me to sit there comfortably.
(Is that the right term or whatever?)
I could feel her heartbeat when I leaned my head on her shoulder and how tense and stiff she was. "Relax" I whispered calmly and began typing on the computer.

We worked on the project for probably three hours straight. Over time she had moved her hands around my shoulders, it felt like I was laying in the embrace of a stove instead of a human being.
"Are we fucking done with this horrid garbage?"
"Yes Amanda, we're done." I laughed, closing the computer and pushing it away. What I didn't intend to do was to push it off the bed, but me being the clumsy me, I pushed it off the bed. "No!" I called out and rushed out of her arms to the end of the bed.
"Idiot." Amanda laughed mischievously as she just laid there. All so comfy and cozy, watching me suffer as I picked up my computer.
"Did it break?" She asked still laughing. I looked at her over my shoulder with a pissed face, "yes."
She laughed even more and louder while climbing her way to me.
"Lemme see."
I handed her the closed computer then flopped onto the mattress.
"I know!" I groaned, "why does life have to be so hard for me?"
"It doesn't have to be so hard, you're just a clumsy idiot." Amanda laughed even more as she flopped down next to me.
"Rude." Amanda chuckled at my words, "I should probably go back home, it's getting pretty dark."
I sat up and looked out the big window in front of me.
"You're scared of the dark?" She looked at me with a cocky smile and I rolled my eyes in response.
"I'm just kidding." She laughed before looking me in the eyes.
I returned the gaze and unintentionally brushed some of her hair behind her ear. She laughed softly and looked down.
"I should go." We giggled a little before we walked to the front door.
I put my shoes and coat on then my backpack. "Alright."
"Ready to go into the cold and windy Florida weather?" Amanda smiled and opened the door.
"Don't forget about my Starbucks you demon!"
"I won't forget about your Starbucks Amanda. And I should be the one calling you demon."
I whispered to myself as I walked to the bus stop.

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