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3rd person
The girls were now laying in Teddy's bed as he drew pictures on his desk calmly. The two were chatting when Teddy all of a sudden shoved a peace of paper into their faces,
"Look I drew you a picture!" said Teddy in a happy tone.
"Wow Teddy, that's really beautiful! Are we all together in space?" Liz asked and took the picture from her little brothers small hands.
The younger boy nodded, smiling ear to ear.
"I love it!" Said the brunette before snapping a picture of the drawing on her phone and smiling at Teddy.
Teddy then took the drawing back to his desk and said he was going to draw a 'even better picture'.
But all of a sudden Amanda's phone started ringing, "I'll be right back." she excused herself, and went out in the hallway.

Amanda's pov
"Hello? Soph?"
"Amanda, where are you? Aren't you on your way?"
My eyes widened at her words and I started to panic.

You stupid idiot! How could you forget?! It's Friday you dumbfuck!" "Actually I had to stop a little at my house before. I'm literally heading out the door as we speak." I laughed as I prayed she'd fall for it.
"Oh really? Because it says on Snapchat that your at
(Liz's address). We both know that's not your house.."
I could see and feel the sharp look she was giving me trough the phone.
"Listen, okay, im at a friends house right now."
"Amanda, you said you'd be here by four o'clock!"
"Soph, I'll be there at 6."
"No! You promised me!"
Ugh, why do you have to act like this right now.
"Take it or leave it. 6 o'clock Sophie."
I said stern, pissed at how she was acting.

Eventually she accepted it and I went back into Teddy's room.
"Everything okay?" Liz asked with concerning eyes. "Yes! Everything's fine!" I replied quickly and sat back down in Teddy's bed.
"Want to go back into my room?" Liz whispered into my ear, I nodded in response and we went back into her room.
She wrapped her arms around me, sitting on top of me as I held her as close as possible.

3rd pov
"Amanda, what's wrong?" The blonde asked concerned at her friends behaviour.
"Nothing. I uhm, i have to go." The other quickly said and got up in a hurry.
Liz was confused as to why Amanda just all of a sudden began acting like this.

Did she do something wrong?

With awkward silence and almost no talking, Amanda left Liz's place.

"Why'd she go so soon?" Liz's little brother asked as he sat on the top of the stairs. She sighed and sat besides her brother before answering, "Teddy, I don't know.."
in a sad tone. The little boy sulked and leaned on his sisters shoulder.
"Let's not be sad! Wanna go and make cookies or something?" Liz asked and looked at her brother who..didn't seem that excited if she was being honest.
"I want Amanda to do it with us."
"Teddy, she had to do other things."
"I still wanna bake with her and you." Teddy sighed and walked calmly back to his room.
Well that was fun while it lasted.
The blonde thought and headed to her room as well.

Amanda's pov
Forget about that Amanda, you're going to have so much fun at Sophie's. Forget about Liz.

I told myself as I packed my last few things. "Amanda! Are you fucking coming?!" My older sister shouted at at me. I ran down the stairs with my backpack and went to the car, without saying a word.
"What's up with you?" She said once i arrived at the car.
"Nothing, drive please."
She turned the car key and drove off to Sophie's house.

"Amanda!" Sophie cheered and ran my way, jumping into my arms as soon as I stepped out of the car.
"Oh I missed you so much! I have so many things to tell you, come on!" And before I could respond in any way I got dragged into her room.

"It's been so long since we met last time!" She said in a high pitched tone as she sat me on the bed.
"It's literally been two weeks-"
"I have so much to tell you! Like, where should I start?"
"I don't know, maybe from the beginning?" I answered and propped myself on the bed. Sophie laughed at me and climbed into my embrace.
"I missed you baby.."
"I told you not to call me that until we made it official." I whispered as I scratched her back lightly with a smirk.
"Well then let's make it official!"
"Please! Don't you want to be able to call me yours and only yours?"
I looked into her eyes.
"I do."
My eyes then wandered to her lips, those gosh darn kissable lips.
"Just kiss me already Amanda."

And I did.
Her lips were like drugs,
addictive and comforting.

I bit her lips softly, she smiled in response and pulled away.
"I'm taking that as a yes."
"It wasn't." I smirked then flipped us over, me hovering over her figure. She smashed her lips onto mine, biting and licking them, i did the exact same thing to her as i allowed my hands to roam over her chest  gently. As i removed her shirt i felt her breath heavily in my ear. I only smiled and continued what i was previously doing.

Liz's pov

I sat on my bed as i wrote shit on my computer. It was just some scraps that i wanted to keep, just incase they worked out in any way after i found the layout for my new novel that i was still figuring out. Amanda was still on my mind, i didn't understand why she had to leave so suddenly, we were having so much fun, she was having so much fun. I enjoy her company. I want her around all of the time. She makes me go into this little, happy world. But now that she's not around i'm stuck in a world full of pouring rain and gloomy clouds...and there's nothing i can do to make it a better place.

Get your shit together Liz, your parents are home.

I like totally forgot ab this book BUT I wanna finish it so...

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