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Amanda's pov
August 21st

I was practically dragging myself into school, my bag wasn't even closed properly and I slept in the clothes I was wearing.
I was a mess.

It was the first day of senior year, thank the heavens because I did not want to stay another year here.
I walked into first period, late of course.
It was english class.
Just my luck.

"Amanda, you're late."
The teacher said as she sat down with a sigh while staring way too deeply into my soul.
I didn't say anything, just walked to my friend Jason. Luckily there was an empty seat right next to him which mean't I wouldn't look like a loser somewhere in the corner.
"Welcome to hell" He whispered and we both snickered.

"Alright Amanda, I am fed up with this and will not let it bother me on the first day of school. Go ahead and move next to Liz over here. You should've learned in kindergarten to listen to the teacher when he's talking."
My mouth hung open at her words.
"Go ahead."
She pointed to the empty, sad looking seat next to this Liz girl.
The boys laughed and 'ooou'-ed at me which made my blood boil.
"Shut up." I said and picked up my bag and walked over to the seat.
I slammed my backpack on the table and sat down with a thump, crossing my arms in front of my chest and looking out the dirty window.

"Alright class, today is the first day of you're senior year and I want to make it clear that this year counts the most."
I could feel her stare on me which made me terribly uncomfortable.
"So if you're going to be careless this year then you will not be going far in the future, Alright? Okay. Now, I will be handing you the books and I want you to go on page 12 please."

I sighed loudly when the book hit my table. I turned to page 10 before looking back out the window.
"It's Uhm page 12..not 10-"
The blond girl whispered and I turned my gaze towards her.
I looked at her for a second before frowning my eyebrows.
Was she new? I've never seen this 'Lizzy' girl before.
"I don't care. Leave me alone."
I looked back outside the window.

She didn't speak to me again in that class, probably scared like most new students.
I don't blame her tho, I can be fucking terrifying when I'm annoyed or mad.

"Hey! Wait up!" I screamed at my friends and hurried to them.
"How was talking to a girl like?" Andrew teased, making all of them laugh like the little idiots they are.
They always tease me with that, ever since I joined the school i just talked to boys.
I like hanging out with boys more, they get me.
But with girls..they're just so fucking dramatic and annoying.
Always talking about these girly things and who their crush is and how hot and sexy they are.
Fucking hell.
I fit better in with boys, always have and probably always will.
So now they always tease me with that.

I shook my head before punching Andrew.
I laughed loudly and soon the others joined.
"Hey Baby"
We heard as we walked passed the popular girl group.
It was Cassandra, Ryan's girlfriend.
I gagged sarcastically when I saw them kissing and hugging like there was no tomorrow.
"See you around, I gotta go to history class" I shouted and walked to class.

"Today we are going to start the new school year off with a group project! Fun right?"
Everyone groaned and sighed in response.
"Oh Amanda you're here, didn't think you'd show up- Uhm..go sit next to Liz over there!"
"Hurry up, we don't have the whole day to spend."
I kept a straight face and sat down once again next to Liz.

"As I said we are going to be doing a group project today so go ahead and partner up with you're table mate. You will be introducing a story you learned about last year to present in front of the class in a week.
There a three stories to choose from:
Three kingdoms, The guns of August and Devil in the white city.
(Lmao I just googled some history books so if they're wrong blame Google.)
The grammar has to be right and you need to know you're texts!
The more pictures the better! This will be created in the app 'word' on your computer, I will send a email on more information about this project.
Alright? Now go and chat with your partner and decide about what you want to do."

☦︎ ︎ 𝒜𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓂𝑒𝓇𝒸𝓎   ☦︎︎ (𝑔𝑥𝑔 ⚢) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora