Chapter 30:

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An hour later, we were dressed, packed, and pulling onto the highway. We both were silent as we drove across the state line. I looked down at my phone and texted my Mom, letting her know I would be out of town. She responded back that I needed to let her know when I got there and she didn't think me going out of town was a good idea. I told her I would be safe and I would try to let her know when I got there. I still felt bad for not letting her know I was with Ezra, but she was not ready to forgive him. It wouldn't matter to her if he was who I wanted to be with. She would never be able to look him in the eye without hating him for what he did.

We drove past farms and fields before hitting wide-open stretches of land with nothing around for miles. It was green, quiet, and beautiful. Ezra always seemed like a big city guy to me, so it was surprising to find out he came from these rural roots. Ohio and Indiana were not really that different from each other, but I had always lived in the suburbs near the city and the feel of it was completely different than the vast open spots of land we were passing.

Ezra stole a glance over at me when he saw me smiling and enjoying the sunshine on my face. The air was crisp and refreshing as it swirled around me. The day was beautiful; I only wish we had gotten an earlier start on the road. Ezra placed a hand on my knee and I reached down to wrap my small hand in his. He pulled my hand to his mouth and kissed it. I could feel the coolness in his lip ring against my skin.

"How much longer?" I asked him. I felt wonderful, but I was still very nervous about meeting his Mom. I was not sure what he had told her about me and I didn't know if she would like me. I hoped for Ezra's sake that she would at least give me a chance.

"About 45 minutes." He answered, giving me a nervous smile. He looked happy to be going home, but there was something in the smile that bothered me. I know he had some pretty rough memories from his childhood; I hoped this trip would be good for him and his recovery.

I closed my eyes and let the sun continue to shine on my face. Ezra turned the music up a bit and I fell into a deep relaxed sleep.

I woke up to Ezra's hands, shaking me awake. He had opened the passenger door and was leaning over me. When my eyes opened, I was surprised to find we were pulled up on a gravel driveway in front of a small farmhouse. The house was a little rundown, but the land around it was beautiful. There was not another neighbor within eyesight. A large dog ran around from the back of the house barking and Ezra lifted his head. He smiled at the big goofy dog as he rounded the corner and headed straight for Ezra.

"Come here, Potato." He said with a big smile on his face. The dog launched itself at Ezra and knocked him back to the ground. The dog was licking his face and Ezra was laughing as he tried to push him back so he could stand up again.

"Potato?" I asked, turning my head and laughing.

"It was either that or Albert." He said, scrunching his nose up as the dog relentlessly licked Ezra's face. Potato's tail was wagging so fast he could barely keep himself from spinning in circles. Ezra gently pushed Potato off him and pulled himself up. He wiped his face and then started swiping at the dirt that was covering his black shirt and pants. He looked more relaxed than I had seen him in a long time.

He grabbed my hands and pulled me out of the car. He pushed me back against the car and smiled into my mouth as he pulled me into a kiss.

"You taste like dog." I said, wrinkling my nose at him.

"So, you think I taste like a potato?" He said, smiling into my mouth. I really enjoyed the playful vibe Ezra was exuding after all the drama this morning.

I could feel Potato rub against my leg and I glanced down at him nervously. Potato was about half my height and probably outweighed me by about 30 lbs.

"Don't worry, I know he's big, but he's a huge baby." He said, laughing at me.

"So, he is you in dog form?" I teased him.

"You're asking for it, aren't you?" He said, nipping my bottom lip. He leaned in again and parted my lips with his tongue. He found my tongue ring and played with it, twisting it in my mouth with the tip of his tongue.

"Well, I hope I'm not interrupting anything." A woman's voice called from the porch. Ezra removed his mouth from mine and put his forehead against me. He sighed in frustration.

"Once we get settled in, I'm going to show you how big I am when you wrap your lips around my cock." He whispered into me low so his Mom couldn't hear. He raised his eyebrows and a wicked smile spread across his face. He removed his body weight from me to look up at the porch.

"Hey Momma," He said in a perfectly innocent little boy way. It was completely opposite from the dark, dangerous tone he just used to whisper his filthy words to me.

He stepped away from me with a cocky smile on his face. He was daring me to tell him no. He laughed and turned to jog up to the porch towards the dark-haired woman smiling down at him like he was the only person in the world.

This was Ezra's Mom; there was no mistaking who she was. The resemblance was uncanny, except she was slightly plump and curvy in all the good places. It surprised me a little because of how lean her gorgeous son was. She was stunning; her smile could make the angels jealous. My heart was racing just looking at her. I really wanted her to like me.

Ezra ran up to her and wrapped his long arms around her. He picked her up off the ground and swung her around. She smacked at his arms, trying to get him to put her back down on her feet.

I stepped away from the car, unsure if I should go introduce myself or stay down here until I was invited. I didn't know what I should be doing with my hands, so I crossed them, uncrossed them, and put them down at my sides.

I was fidgeting again.

Ezra stared at me from over her shoulder and smiled, watching my nerves toy with me. He sat her down gently and then she turned to look at me too. I was preparing to run. I could make it home in a couple of days if I left now.

"Well, don't just stay down there, sweetheart. Come, let me get a look at you." My face was flushed and I could barely breathe. Ezra pulled at his eyebrow rings, watching me slowly stumble towards the house. He could see how much I was shaking when I got to the steps. He nodded, encouraging me and smiled when I looked down at my feet to make sure I didn't trip.

"Momma, this is Riley. Riley, this is my Mom, Luanne." Ezra said as he wrapped his arm around her.

"You can call me Lu." She smiled, which showed off two perfectly placed dimples in her round cheeks. When I got closer, I could see she had the exact shape and color eyes as her son, which made me feel more comfortable instantly. She felt familiar to me even though we had never met.

"It's nice to meet you." I said to her smiling, and went to reach out my hand to her. She grabbed it and pulled me into the tightest hug ever. I could barely breathe. She placed her hand on the back of my head in a motherly way. She was so much taller than me, again like her son, and had to bend down to hug me.

She pulled away from me but kept hold of my hands. She looked me over from my hair to the tips of my toes. I felt very nervous as she studied me.

"Oh my. You said she was pretty, but you didn't tell me she was absolutely gorgeous." She turned to Ezra and pushed his shoulder playfully. I blushed and Ezra beamed proudly.

"Momma, you know I don't like to brag." He said, looking back at me with loving eyes.

"Well, let's get you two settled in. When I told Ezra's Uncle and cousins that he was bringing his girlfriend home, they invited themselves to dinner. They didn't believe me." She laughed and I felt like I was missing something. I smiled back nervously and looked over to Ezra, who was shaking his head.

Not only was I going to get to meet his Mom, but I was going to get a whole family reunion.  I swallowed hard. 


Today was not going at all the way I expected.  It definitely wasn't going to be easy. But so far, nothing about Ezra Miller was even close to simple.
That was part of the reason I loved him so damn much.

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