Chapter 19:

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I pulled up to my parent's house and saw I was the last one to arrive. I was always the last one to show up anymore. Damn JD and Aiden for becoming responsible adults.

I opened the front door and I could hear everyone in the kitchen. It seemed like that was always the place everyone congregated any time we got together.

"I'm here." I yelled as I walked in.

"Hey peanut, you're late." My Mom gave me a disappointed look when she walked out of the kitchen.

"I know, I'm sorry.  I lost track of time." I apologized. Her face changed and lightened when she looked me over. She looked surprised when she saw me.

"You look... wow." Her mouth was hanging open.

Did I look that bad normally?

I thought I looked terrible today when I left the apartment. I shook it off. My Mom was trying to give me a compliment. I should just be grateful and take it.

"Thanks, Mom."  I said as I pulled her into a hug.  She squeezed me tightly and led me into the kitchen with the others. 

JD, Anna, Aiden, and my Dad were all standing around the kitchen island and looked up when we walked in.  JD and Anna exchanged a look when they saw me.  Aiden just smiled at me with his perfectly white toothy grin. 

"Hey, sweetie." My Dad said when he walked over to hug me.  I squeezed him back and he groaned. "Too hard, Ry." He coughed a bit when I pulled away from him.

"Sorry," I said, feeling the embarrassment on my cheeks as he went into a full-on coughing fit.

JD and Anna took their turns, hugging me and complimenting me on how I looked. I was starting to get a complex.

Did I look different?

I didn't think I did anything different today when I got ready.

Aiden was last in the welcome Riley to dinner line. He pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around my waist. I lifted my arms instinctively around his neck and he nuzzled into me. I looked up over his shoulder and saw everyone's eyes staring at us. Aiden didn't seem to notice at all. Aiden and I always hugged. It shouldn't seem that unusual to everyone in this room.

"Let's go eat." JD said, shifting his eyes down, not sure where he should be looking. He still was my big brother and he seemed uncomfortable with me hugging his best friend even though we had done it a million times. I'm glad some things still hadn't changed between JD and me.

Aiden placed his hand on the small of my back as we walked to the table to sit down. He pulled out my chair and I thanked him. He took the spot next to me and scooted his chair closer to me so our knees were touching. I felt his fingertips trace mine under the table and he spread my fingers apart to lace his through. He was holding my hand, squeezing it tightly.

My body tensed, when he ran his thumb down over my thigh.

I had Ezra at home waiting for me and Aiden was holding acting like we were a couple. I reluctantly gave in to him since we had not had a chance to talk since I stayed over. I didn't want him to think he did anything wrong if I tried to pull my hand away. I still wasn't sure what I wanted from my relationship with Aiden.  I wasn't even sure what I was doing with Ezra.  

"I haven't gotten to talk to you much, peanut. Did you make it to the dress fitting?" My Mom asked me.

"Yeah, I made it." I looked over at Anna and raised my eyebrow at her. "It turned out Aiden and I were booked for our fittings at the same time."

"Oh, wow. What a coincidence." My Mom said. "Did you see her in the dress Aiden?"

He saw way more than me in a bridesmaid's dress.

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