Chapter 4:

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The following day, I woke up from my restless sleep. The nightmares had come back again with a vengeance. With the fog that was over my brain last night, I had forgotten to take the meds my doctor prescribed me to keep them away.

The nightmare was always the same. I was in the car with Ezra and he was driving way too fast. The road was dark, too narrow, and wound viciously. Our baby cried in the backseat of the car for me. I turned to soothe the little one only to find an empty seat where the baby should have been. I turned back around to plead to Ezra to help me when the guardrail twisted and warped towards us. I braced for the impact as it moved closer. I always woke up when the sound of the tires screeching and the crunching metal ripped through me.

Sweat was pouring down my face and back. The nightmares wreaked havoc on me mentally and physically. I could almost feel the pain where my two cracked ribs were. The doctors told me my injuries had all healed, but my mind still created the phantom pain due to my trauma. They said it would go away after time and it was just a residual side effect. It had been months and it still felt just as fresh as the day it happened. After all this time, I was still inside that car, wishing I had never woken up to face the pain I was going through.

I forced myself up again and left my bed to go to the kitchen to make some coffee. Some random blond guy was hanging out in just his boxers near the fridge. He had it open and was looking through it.

This must have been Brynn's conquest from last night. Most of her hookups left before the sun came up. I was a little surprised to see this one snooping around our kitchen.

"Don't waste your time. There's not much in there." I said, opening a cabinet and pulling out a tin of coffee. I moved to the coffeemaker and started to prep the pot that I desperately needed to make it through the morning.

The blond guy ran his eyes over my tight tank top and booty shorts. He licked his lips and adjusted himself shamelessly while I watched, unimpressed. He looked like an eager kitten ready to pounce on a piece of string.

Brynn had terrible taste in hookups. To put it nicely, this guy was differently clued. His mind had decided to wander away and never came back.  All looks with no think in his brain tank. He was dumb.

At least he was pretty?

He flexed his chest muscles when he saw me looking him over. I had invented a new game where I liked to assign a rating to the men on the Brynn hookup scale. He was a solid six.  Points to him for nice hands, broad shoulders, and killer abs, severe deductions for orangish self-tanner and douchery. 

"Hey, you." He said with a toothy smile. "You must be the roommate."

"In the flesh," I said as I continued to pour the water in the coffeemaker and pressed the button to turn it on. The aroma began to fill the kitchen immediately, causing my mouth to water.

"I haven't met you before, have I?"  He asked, stepping closer to me.

"Not likely."  I said, moving away when he reached his hand out towards me.

"Maybe you and I should go hang out sometime.  Get to know each other."  He suggested slinking over to me again, trying to corner me.

"Boyfriend." I lied.

Not interested in you, sorry random guy standing in my kitchen. These hormones were closed for business today.

"Oh damn, that sucks.  Well, if you change your mind or you get bored, Brynn's got my number."  He said, backing off.

"Oh, most definitely." I said, laughing to myself.  That was never going to happen.

Brynn walked out of her room in her underwear. I was glad she was wearing something at least. My eyes had seen naked Brynn more times than I could count since we moved in a few months ago. I was convinced she had developed an allergy to clothes.

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