Chapter 24:

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I had to work tonight and was dreading getting ready. The thought of leaving Ezra on his own terrified me. I offered to let him stay at the apartment while I was at work, but he said he should get a few things from his place if he was going to stay with me longer. I knew it made sense, but in the back of my mind, I kept wondering if he would be leaving to try to get his next fix. We had such a breakthrough today with our relationship. He had finally started to open up to me. I hated the fact that my mind immediately went to the dark places. I wanted to trust him, but the hurt girl inside of me kept doubting him.

Ezra watched me from the bed as I wiggled into my uniform. I was a little hippy for the short shorts, but he was getting a kick out of watching me dance to pull them up. I leaned into the mirror, drew a light line on my eyes and applied a sheer lip gloss. I rubbed the gloss between my lips and looked at his eyes as they stared hungrily back at me in the mirror.  I puckered my lips and sent him a kiss.

"Are you sure you have to go to work?" Ezra whined and laid back on the bed. I turned around and raised one eyebrow at him.

"I need the money."

"Fine, but I don't have to be happy about it." He pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.

He looked like a little boy who just got told he couldn't go outside and play with his friends.  He was so adorable when he didn't get his way.  I laughed as I thought about saying no to him more often just to see this face again. 

I walked over to the bed and leaned down and kissed my spoiled boy.  His hands were pulling me down on top of him the second my lips met his.

"Ezra." I warned. "I'm going to be late for work."

"Don't care."  He whispered, kissing my neck.

I pushed at him playfully to stand back up.  He groaned and pulled at his hair when he saw I wasn't going to give in to him.          

"You are such a tease."  He accused playfully. "You're doing this on purpose."

"I have no idea what you are talking about." I said innocently.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" Ezra looked down and I covered my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing at him.

"There's some lotion on the dresser." I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to hold back my smile.  I mentally gave myself an at-a-girl for not stripping all his clothes off right then.  I had developed a little bit of self-control.

"You could sit on it for me?" He suggested and licked his lips as he examined my tiny shorts.  Self-control gone.  We had to get out of this apartment before I hopped back in bed to join him.

"Enough already.  Take me to work." I shook my head at him and waved to the door.

Ezra raised himself up reluctantly and scowled at me. "You know that you're going to pay for this later tonight, right?"

"I don't doubt it." I said, running my hands over his chest.   

I picked up my phone and looked down before walking out the door.  No missed text messages, no phone calls.

It felt strange not hearing from Brynn. I would have to find some way to track her down. Maybe I could call her mom and see if she had heard from her. All her stuff was here. She had to come back sometime.  I missed my wild best friend and the way she would always try to lighten the room. I had extinguished that light; I had dimmed her until she faded into darkness.

"Don't worry. She'll be back." Ezra said, reading my mood.

"I really hope so." I whispered as we both began to walk out of the door.

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