Chapter 12:

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The sun was trying to peek through the clouds as I drove into town towards the bridal shop. Anna had given me directions, but I was confused since there were so many stores on this street.  They called this section of town the bridal district, every store along this stretch was related to bridal gowns or various wedding shops.

It turned out that the shop I was looking for was the biggest store on the strip, which made it easier to find. Parking, on the other hand, was terrible. I had to park in a lot a few blocks down from the shop and walk. I was going to be late for my appointment and began running to try to get there on time.

When I finally made it to the door, I was panting and out of breath. I looked up when I heard a familiar chuckle.

"Running a bit late?"

"Aiden!" I said, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

He wrapped me in a huge hug. "Tux Fitting. You?"

"Bridesmaid dress fitting." We both laughed. Clearly, Anna wasn't over her attempt to try to get Aiden and me to spend more time together. She had set our appointments on the same day so we would "accidentally" run into each other.

He held the door open for me and waved me in. When we stepped up to the counter, the receptionist looked up and smiled at Aiden. The young girl must have liked what she saw. She started batting her eyelashes at him to try to get his attention. Aiden wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me next to him. Her eyes fell when she saw him touching me. She must have thought we were together.

"Do you have an appointment?" The girl asked with a stellar customer service voice.

"Riley Davis and Aiden Long." I said before Aiden could get a word out. She typed our names into her computer.

"Looks like you are booked for your fittings in suite 'C'. You can follow me." She rose to her feet and started to lead us to the back of the building.

"She booked us in the same room?" I gasped, whispering into Aiden's ear.

"Points for extra effort?" Aiden smiled and I leaned my head on his shoulder. I was red with embarrassment. Anna was trying to coerce us into something that neither of us was really looking for.

When we stepped into the room, that was just what it was. A big room. One room with a lot of mirrors and a white sofa. Nothing to hide behind to give us any kind of privacy. What was Anna thinking? She was completely delusional.

The attendant came in behind us carrying two hanging bags. She hung them up on the little hooks next to the door before stepping out and closing the door behind her.

I was frozen in place as I looked around to the mirrors seeing Aiden's multiple reflections from all angles.  I couldn't even put into words how awkward this was going to be.

"Glad I didn't wear my smiley face boxers today." Aiden said as he began taking his shoes off.

"Well, it would have been embarrassing since I'm wearing mine." I giggled. I was completely on edge, thinking about changing in front of him. Aiden seemed much more comfortable than I was and I couldn't help but stare when he began to slowly undress in front of me.

He finished unbuttoning his shirt and I could see his lean, tanned torso as he slid it off his shoulders. Aiden began to sing softly as he continued to disrobe. From years of being around Aiden, I knew he sang when he was nervous about something.

Was he nervous about being in the room with me too?

He unbuttoned his pants next and I turned my head away. He stopped singing long enough to laugh at me.

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