Chapter 18:

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I woke up the next day and the bed was empty. My hands slid over the cool sheets looking for Ezra's warmth. I started panicking, thinking he had left me in the middle of the night. Maybe being in my bed with his arms around me was too much for him. I pushed him too far. He was probably back at that house of horrors filling his body with the dark venom.

I was about to start crying when I heard the voices out in the kitchen. Brynn and Ezra were deep into a conversation and talking way too loudly. A heavy sigh of relief escaped my body as I laid my head back down against my pillow.

"No, I'm totally serious." I heard Brynn telling him. "I brought piles of dudes over here trying to get her to loosen up enough to forget you."

"First of all, piles of dudes?" Ezra questioned with a twinge of anger in his voice.

I rolled my eyes and covered my face with my hands. It was too early for this.

"Calm down that psycho stalker jealousy crap. I had to try something."Brynn defended herself.

"So you think trying to get her to fuck random dudes was the solution? She shouldn't be with anyone else. She should be with me." His voice rose in anger.

"You weren't here, Ezra. You didn't stick around. When shit got hard, you couldn't get out fast enough." My mouth was on the floor, listening to her call him out.

Brynn was a really good best friend. I loved her so much for standing up to him for me.

There was a long pause where it sounded like they were still talking, but I couldn't make out the words.

What was going on?

What the hell were they saying?

"I know I hurt her, you don't have to keep reminding me. Just do me a favor and stop trying to help me. I don't need your help again..." Ezra's voice trailed off until all I could hear was his low, wordless hum.


"You needed to know. You can't blame me for what happened."  Brynn countered back after Ezra's low hum died off.

What did Brynn help him with before? 

Something felt off. 

I could just be irritated because they were talking about me, but I felt like there was more I didn't understand. It probably had to do with something from that night. That must have been why I had no clue why they were arguing in my kitchen.

I wished they weren't talking about me at all. I didn't want Brynn to put ideas in Ezra's head before I had even made up my mind about what I wanted from him. So, even though my body and mind were exhausted, I decided it was time to get up.

I pulled my door open quickly and said, "Good morning," to interrupt the conversation before it went any further.

Ezra's mouth was hanging open like he was about to lash out at her and he closed it quickly the second he saw me.

I walked towards the kitchen and went to the cabinet to grab a coffee cup. I began to pour the steaming liquid into the mug. I blew on the cup and took a sip. I had the sudden feeling I was being watched. When I looked up, both Ezra and Brynn stared at me with wide eyes.

"What?" I said, suddenly defensive.

"Nothing." Brynn said, looking back down with bright red cheeks.

"You're acting like I just caught you two talking about me or something." I took another sip of my coffee.

They knew they were caught.  

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