The Future of the Human Economy

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Hello people of wattpad with really questionable free time, welcome to night blogging. Today I actually have a topic I really want to write about, so you can look forward to some level of cohesiveness later on in this chapter.

But before that, I explain the premise of the ideas I have and where they came from. Earlier today, I watched this really cool video by CGP Grey on YouTube called "Humans Need Not Apply". The video spoke about how jobs available to humans currently are being replaced, and not replaced by those pesky immigrants no, but by robots.
Not only are labor jobs quickly being taken by these robots incapable of making mistakes, but the ones requiring an intelligent mind, such as writing code, running a business, etc. We have definitely seen artificial intelligence more and more recently, and inevitably it will reach the point of what we describe as a special human intelligence and creativity.
You think, "Oh, but what about the arts? Surely Robots can't imagine and create these abstractly creative and random things, right?"
Not really. In fact, there's a robot named Ellie that can compose music, that when showed to actual composers was undifferentiated from the pieces composed by actual composers. Even beyond this, paintings, dancing, none of its safe; and even if these arts were, an economy based in the arts can not exist.
CGP Grey shared somewhat of a parable about horses talking to each other in the early 1900's, one saying how they are going to lose their jobs with all of these motorized engines and automobiles coming around while the other one argued against him, saying that there would be more job opportunities than they could have ever imagined now that the simpler ones were taken up.

We all know how that ended. Most horses were killed for food shortly after and the horse population is pretty low in modern days. CGP uses this argument, saying that the same fate will befall humanity. Robots will replace our jobs, and humans will be enslaved by these brains of efficiency and practicality, mere horses to the artificial intelligence, our economy collapsing.

But this is where I sort of disagree. While yes, robots will take up our jobs, I believe in the existence of a world without the need of money, and to a non-technical extent an economy.

Humans created currency so that there was a legitimate way to exchange goods and services for something of value that wasn't inherently of value but was arbitrarily of value. Someone buys something from you, you have money, you but something from someone else, etc. If robots were to eliminate jobs for humans that make money, manufacture information, products, or do services, they would eliminate any need for money. Humans wouldn't need jobs, as everything could theoretically be free if there was no work or need put into the creation of a product.

While this is a fairly transcendentalist concept, I also believe that there couldn't be a state of pure taking from other things. I believe that the government would have to eventually organize the distribution of goods and services, and any sense of capitalism without economy goes out the window. This state of taking would spiral society into nothing that can be imagined at our inexperience with a lack of economy. I wouldn't know if humanity would continue in any direction or if we would exist only to consume, not pride of the fruits of our labor, nothing being produced. So if you guys have any arguments against me write in the comments, I'd be glad to here.

Humans Need Not Apply.

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