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Hi there. It's me ScorpionStudios. Just kidding. It's not him. It's me. Robbie_king_ . Sorry for the confusion. Also the topic of the title has nothing to do with the story. I just used it to captivate the interest of all of you anime loving hot topic fangirls out there. (Looking at you ScorpionStudios.)

So you're welcome ScorpionStudios & Experionu.

So today I'll be talking about my top 5 favorite music artists of musicalimication. Because the only things on your pallet of music is Tally Hall and Steampunk Giraffe. And that is ridiculous people. C'mon guys. Time is money, money is power, power is Pizza. So here it goes.

5.) Flofilz:

Bringing some old school funk to the "rap game", Flofilz is compiled of quite a few rappers. They sample beats from the iconic beat maker, Nujabe, and they rap over it. Keeping to their namesake, Flofilz is bringing some original flow and creativity. Definitely worth your time if you're into rap.

4.) LAKE:

If you're into some dreamy music, this is for you. A band out of Olympia, Washington, they are for the most part unknown. Little known fact: LAKE has actually been on Adventure Time; playing the out-tro music at the end of every episode. They have multiple vocalists, but personally I prefer Lindsay Schief. The melodic tunes they bring can easily start you off on your slow Sunday as well as put you to sleep at night.

3.) Fleet Foxes:

If you enjoy continually stroking your neck beard and toting a cold-brew coffee in a mason jar on your fixed gear bike, this might be of interest to you.


Anyway, now that is taken care of, we can talk about music that "actual people" enjoy listening about. Fleet Foxes are a great folk band (unlike Mumford and Sons.) Honestly listening to the Fleet Foxes makes me want to chop down a tree and make some homemade soap out of oatmeal and hemp. You'll slowly feel your neck beard growing as you listen to them.

2.) Flying Lotus:

One of the most experimental artists currently in the industry, Steven Ellison, or Flying Lotus, makes experimental beats that range in a variety of genres. One moment you could be listening to improved elevator music or an high tempo electronic song and the next you could be listening to a song that sounds like you have been thrown into a murder house.

Deriving influence from the aforementioned Nujabe and the iconic J-Dilla, Flylo manages to bring his own creative style to the music industry. He usually does not do vocals, but instead with have other people do vocals for him, such as Nicki Randa and Kendrick Lamar as well as the bassist Thundercat. He also has amazing music videos that are definitely worth watching.

(Also bonus points for his relatives being John and Alice Coltrane.)

1.) The Local Natives:

Widely considered as one of the most talented bands in the music industry, the Local Natives are a indie group out of Silver Lakes, CA. They are an insanely talented group and during their performances they sound exactly how they do on your phone. (Don't believe me? Watch their NPR Music "Tiny Desk" performance.)

Made up out of 5 or so members, the Local Natives are a very neutral band that happens to be very good, so that means that the majority of people won't have a problem with it. So feel free to slap it on your public spotify playlist or whatever gizmos you children use nowadays. (I use cassette.)

Anyway, that has been my time on Night-blogging, but before I go, here are some honorable mentions:

-Kero Kero Bonito: For all you K-Pop weirdos out there.

-Mura Masa: Another experimental artist but more upbeat.

-Caravan Palace: I suggest all you steam punk commies jump forward 30 years into the 1920's. They make a genre that is called "Electro-Swing."

Alright then I am done now. Remember a few things.

-Don't listen to Tally Hall
-Remember: "Fluoride is used by the communists to control our minds." -Councilman Milton

*drops mic and walks out

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