Much to say and little to say about

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Hey guys it's 1:36 am, I'm ScorpionStudios and this is night blogging on wattpad.

I'm sitting on my bed staring out at the dark expanse if my room which seams much larger in the night. I have absolutely no idea what to talk about. It would be nice if you guys could put subjects for future night blogs in the comments below, anything you want me ScorpionStudios or simplyabooknerd78 to talk about in our seemingly half drunken state of conches ness.

I guess I will talk about my day, it was good. I got a great time on the mile run today and began working on a story review for Ayn Rands "Anthem". I read a portion if Ayn Rands "Atlas Shrugged" then I contemplated Ayn Rand philosophy...... So ya good day

If you haven't read Ayn Rand than I highly suggest/demand you do. She is a genius.

Oh heck well I have no topic so let's do some shout outs.

Shout out to @KenJGalt fir taking things that make sence, throwing them in a pit and mixing them together until they don't make sence.

Shout out to @Ask_Jorge for making no senesce in such a great way and for knowing everything there is to know...probably....

Well I'm just going to wrap it all up it is 2:03 am I am ScorpionStudios on CupO'Existentialism vote, follow and comment and this has been night blogs

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