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Helllooooo people of the internet with questionable free time. This is our tenth chapter! I'm ScorpionStudios an this is night blogging on wattpad where we over analyze things no one cares about. Remember to follow, vote and comment your suggestions for future chapters.

Today's topic is a probably more informational that most chapters, it's the topic of the theory of relativity, mostly not the theory itself but more the way that people pretend to know it, the way people love dismissing it.

E=MC^2, the famous formula for a very famous theory devised by the German physicist Albert Einstein, born in 1879, he won a Nobel prize in physics in 1921 for his verious contributions to the field. Although he was not one to seek attention he was awarded many prizes and recognized for many accomplishments.

The theory of relativity or, as it is sometimes called, simple relativity usually encompasses two theory's; the theory of special relativity and the theory of general relativity. To put it in general terms it determines that the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers, and it shows that the speed of light within a vacuum is the same no matter the speed at which an observer travels. There is, of course, a lot more than that to it but that's not the purpose of this chapter.

Many of you may be saying to yourself "ehhh Einstein was wrong because ehhhhh" E=MC^2 is a famous equation and most people recognize it but less than have can explain what it even means! (Pertaining to the theory do special relativity, E=energy M=mass and c^2=speed of light squared, to put it in the most simplistic terms) To me it is shocking how many people recognize this equation and it is equally shocking how little if the people recognize it know what this means.

There are two kinds of people that reject the theory and call it "flawed" the kind that understand and go upon their acquisitions knowingly and the second being people who read an article ok the internet and think themselves experts. For the most part I find the the latter groups stems from the first in that they get there "knowlage" from them. I find also that the second group is very arrogant about their opinions.

To me the fake intellectual is one of the most annoying people, they use words and phrases they picked up off real intellectuals and use them as if they understand what they are saying. The most extreme example of this is environmentalists. Now before you get your nickers in a twist think about how I said that for a group of fake intellectuals there are actual intellectuals, I am referring to people who do rash things like protest BT and genetically altered food. Even though there is no evidence that these chemicals harming humans in the slightest these people protest! They aren't always lying per say but they are so convinced they they are right that even factual evidence can't sway them, but anyway that is a whole other chapter.

Now I'm not saying that there are not people that make educated points about flaws in the theory because people definitely do, I came across multiple points I myself thought where rather sight full when I did research for this chapter. I decided I don't want to go I to that because that's not the reason I wrote this, I wrote it because people need to stop trying to be something they aren't. Now I don't mean this in a "be yourself" type of way, I mean it in a "stop pretending your smart" type if way.

If you want to be an intellectual that actually put forth the effort, using fancy words and repeating smart phrases does not make you smart. Remember that.

We'll guys thanks for reading, if you keep up with everything I post then you will know I didn't post last week, so in addition to this I will be posting on my main account to compensate, I have been ScorpionStudios , remember to vote comment and follow, good night and good bye.

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