1: We're All Angelic Here

Start from the beginning

"Okay." She looks at me like everyone else. Like they are concerned, but mostly like they don't trust me. "You'll need to change into these before we go into The Center." She hands me some pastel clothing and a pair of shoes without laces.

She shows me yet another sparse off-white room, this one for changing, apparently, and I do. The clothes fit a little big, but the pants stay up, my large posterior serving some purpose. She takes my clothes, locking them up with my suitcase.

"Come along, I'll give you a tour and show you your room." She bids in an ingenuine cheerful manner. Her black scrubs don't help with her chipper façade. I follow obediently. The sooner they trust me, the sooner I can find a way to be done with it.

She shows me to a large room with a couple tables and chairs. "This is where we eat and have group counseling." She says "we" as if she is a patient. I can't help but laugh. She gives me that look again.

She brings me to a closed door. "This is the doctor's office. You'll see Dr. Hemsworth every day for therapy." Hemsworth? Like the extremely gorgeous Australian actor? Haha I wish. Not really. How embarrassing. She leads me to another closed door and opens it. "These are the showers. You just turn this here and it will show occupied. "

She continues walking down the hall to a large open area. "This is the recreation area where you can hang out between counseling and therapy."

There are five people sitting in various places throughout the recreation area. They all appear to be around my age as advertised by the doctor at the hospital. Additionally, they are all incredibly beautiful, even in the oversized pastel pajamas. I feel blood pooling in my cheeks at the thought.

A guy with long black hair, sitting nearest, picks up his head from his book and waves.

"Hello." I say a bit too loud, earning me the eyes of every one of them. Now I am pretty sure I'm beet red. A guy and girl sitting oddly close to one another wave then look at each other and laugh, likely at my expense.

Another guy standing at a table hunched over something, gives me a cursory glance. Returning to his work without so much as a nod, the dark semi long hair atop his head obscures his masculine face. Fair enough. I can't help but notice the definition of his muscles under the tan skin of his arms as he leans on the table. I look away quickly, my generally pale face flaming.

A girl sitting on the floor stacking books for some reason comes over. "Hi, I'm Ambien." She greets, sticking out her hand. She has a short stature and blonde mop of hair. her bright eyes meet mine earnestly.

"Hi. Sara" I respond, taking her hand.

"Are you going to be my roommate?" She asks.

The technician comes forward, almost putting herself between Ambien and me. "That wouldn't be a good idea. Don't you agree, Ambien?" she responds for me.

The girl just giggles and goes back to her books, unphased by Janine's weirdness. Ambien is pretty odd herself.

"The last stop on our tour." Janine announces, leading me over to a nearby door. She opens the door, standing aside, her arm gesturing toward the entrance as if she has unveiled something magnificent.

"Your room." It is not magnificent. It's two twin beds, two cupboards, beige walls, and that is all.

"Thanks." I offer, feeling obligated with her staring at me, a forced smile on her plump face.

"There are already a couple changes of clothes in the cupboard. You can put your stuff in there as you earn more privileges. This bed by the door is yours. The other one is Kali's." She explains.

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