Cause and Effect

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Roseanne's P.O.V:

I ran out of the school. Even though I knew this was coming I didn't expect it to hurt this much. Seeing her kiss him not only made my heart ache but it made my blood boil. He's mine! 

I ended up falling down near the benches out front. Tears make my vision blurry and the air comes in gasps. It's hard to breathe. It's hard to think. I can't see. 

I hear hurried footsteps coming up behind me. It sounds like someone wearing heels. That must be her, my best friend, or should I say my ex best friend. She kneels down so that she's eye level with me and moves a strand of my blackish red hair out of my tear stained eyes. "Hey you..."

I turn away. I can't see her face without getting pissed off. "Don't hey me." She thinks about this for a minute then moves so that she can see me once again. This time she makes sure I can see her, even if I tried to move away. "So, I guess you knew then huh? I'm sorry it had to be this way. I'm sorry you had to see what he is really like. I didn't want to have to show you but someone had to do it."

I can't take it anymore, the lies stop now.

 "When does the lying  stop Stacy! You weren't doing this for me! Or for whatever good you claim is in your pitch black heart! You were doing this for you! You are jealous of what Cole and I have! This is all because of you! And yes, I knew something would happen I just didn't know when or where. The only question I want you to answer is, why did you do it? Are you that selfish? If someone is happy and that isn't you, you just want to take it away from them!" 

I'm standing on my feet practically screaming at this point as she stands defenseless in front of me. I hear more running feet from behind me and soon I'm joined by both Xavier and my boyfriend. They stand next to me and Xavier is staring daggers at Stacy. 

She's pulling the innocent prey card as we speak. Trying to make it seem like we're the guilty party. 

Cole must be thinking this at the same time I am, because he yanks on Xavier's arm to get him to stop glaring at her. 

"She's not worth it. Let's just go." 

We all decide right then to head back inside. She might've tried to ruin our night but it didn't work. If only we could get ahold of Lacy, then this could be all over.

I guess, this is what happens when someone is jealous. 

With one last look at the girl who used to be my best friend, I feel a part of me grow cold. She never answered me when I asked her that question.

I still want my answer. I still want the truth. 

Why did she do it? Why did she think it would be okay to hurt me? Why did she think she'd get away with it?


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