Truth or Dare

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Xavier's P.O.V:

I know what everyone's thinking and it's true, Cole is a danger to himself. In all honesty he has every reason to be. I know this because I know him. I've seen what nobody else has. 

He acts tough but he's the most sensitive person I know. He'd come at me if he knew I told you this. Anyway, we finally got to school and I don't even have to say it, but he's back at his antics again. 

As soon as he steps out of my car, I notice right where his eyes head first; straight to the girl who was walking down the street. 

She's in the crowd of students that have stopped and stared like they always do when we pull up. He gives her a wink and I roll my eyes. "Dude, lets go." He shoots me a sideways glance and just smirks. "I said let's go. Leave the playboy antics at home." That got his attention. 

I get the sideways death glare and we head into the two-story brick building. 

Side by side as everyone stops and stares. He equally loves and finds this annoying; so do I. Even the teachers watch as we head to our lockers. Different year, same people. Nothing ever really changes. 

"Idiots." I hear him whisper under his breath. "Dude, what is with you? It's day one of our last year and you're already back at it with your activities.?" He knows what I mean by activities. I mean that he's already found another victim. "So what man. Why not have a little fun? It is our last year after all and it's not like we shouldn't have a little fun." I just roll my eyes at his stupidity. 

"Man, lets just get to class." I'm already tired of this and it hasn't even started. That's when I realize he isn't even listening to me. "Dude. Hey. I said let's go." I wave my hand in front of his face but get nothing in return. Not even a glare. Then I follow his gaze to see what or more likely who he's looking at and it's her. "Dude, don't even think about it." 

He raises a hand to stop me from continuing because he's heard my speech before. Except, he never wants to listen to me. "How easy do you think it would be to make her fall for me?" 

Oh no. Not this again. "Dude..." He looks over at me with a wicked smile and I can almost see the wheels turning in his head. "Truth or Dare Xav. How easy do you think it's going to be to have that girl fall for me?" 

I know what's coming next and I also know that keeping my mouth shut is my safest bet. Yet, I just can't help it. "Truth, you're a jerk and she's an innocent. So don't hurt her Cole. Please. Don't hurt her." He gives me a look. "That's not what I asked Xav. Truth or Dare..." This time I cut him off, "Truth, I don't think you could do it." 

He thinks about this for a moment then his eyes trail back to the girl. She's putting books into her locker getting ready for the day while a bleach blond with way to much pink is leaning against the wall talking to her. 

It surprises me when I hear him speak, "Truth, I know it will be all to easy." 

I sigh, "Let's just head to class."

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