First Glimpse

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Cole's P.O.V :

Beep. Beep. Beep. Oh man. Not again. It's currently 7:15 on a Monday morning and yay school. Please note that was sarcasm. Hi, I'm Cole and I don't like to be around a lot of people. So, you can bet that I don't like school. My friend Xavier, says it's because I'm an obnoxious jerk, I say I'm just allergic to stupid. Anyway, it's time to get up.

Hitting the alarm clock with my fist, I raise up out of bed with a sigh. I don't want to do this today but it's only one more year and then I never have to see any of those idiots if I don't want to. 

I grab the cleanest looking pair of blue jeans from off my floor and yank on one of my many band tee shirts. Today it just so happens to be Slipknot. Cool, maybe all the stupid people will avoid me today. I don't bother combing through my mess of black hair because it never does what I want it to; looking in the mirror I adjust the silver lip ring I got last year from my only friend and sigh.

"Just another day in paradise." My phone rings and blares out a song by Deftones, this could only mean one thing; Xav is here to pick me up.

Stepping into my black combat boots, I decide against grabbing my book bag and pocket the earbuds off my nightstand instead. I have to remind myself that it's only 8 hours of my life I'm wasting for what everyone else calls a "better opportunity". For what? I have no idea.

Honk. Honk. This dude. A few things I should mention not only is Xav my best friend but he's also very impatient. Hoooooonnnnkkkk. He might just drive off without me and honestly that's be fine but then I'd have to make up for missing out; I really don't want to do that again. It's a pain.

I slid into the passenger seat of Xav's '96 black impala and give him one of my cheesy 'sorry I'm late' smiles; he just rolls his eyes.

He pulls out of the driveway and we make out way to the school. "So, how much trouble are you gonna get in this year?" This just makes me laugh, between the two of us he's the mature one and I'm the one who's always getting into trouble. "Why do you say that?" He doesn't even glance at me but I already know what he's thinking before he even says it, "Because very year you do something stupid and I have to come to your rescue. I'm sick of it man. When are you going to grow up?" I just shrug, smile, and glance out the window.

As we pass a familiar street I see a pretty girl that I vaguely recognize from our school. She's walking, alone. "Hey, isn't that that one chick from school?" I point and he glances over, "Yeah, I think her name is Roseanne or something."

Roseanne. Hm. I like that name.

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