These Games We Play

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It might be a little harder than originally thought, since Xavier knows what's planned. I suspect that he's already told both Cole and Roseanne. So, this is going to have to move up a few paces. I watch as both girls get into place, always keeping an eye on the lovers. This is going to be fun to witness.

Stacy's P.O.V:

I give the signal to Lacy and she heads toward the dance floor. I've got to keep an eye out for Xavier because he knows what's coming. He might've warned them about it as well but that's a chance I'm willing to take.

Sooner rather than later I hear a loud wail and turn back to the floor. She's seen it, Lacy is locked lips with Cole, and Roseanne has seen it. I can't help but smile in a horrid victory. Serves her right. There's nothing special about her now. She's just like the rest of us and all I had to do was remind her.

Cole shoves Lacy away and starts toward Roseanne. She's already half way toward the exit. Time to go play the part of a concerned friend. 

Cole's P.O.V:

Okay, so I knew something was going to happen. I didn't know when and I didn't know how but I knew that they were planning something. It took little to no guilt tripping to get Xavier to talk. I told Roseanne to react and expect anything. She did it perfectly. Almost to perfectly. I hope she's not actually mad at me.

I catch movement and watch as Stacy moves toward the door, my girl just ran out of. Then I turn back to Lacy. "That was cold and uncalled for. She is everything to me. You and the rest of those obnoxious little girls showed tonight just how ignorant you really are." She gives me a dumb look and I just shove past everyone out the door.

I hope it isn't to late. Even though this was a planned reaction to whatever was headed our way. I hope I didn't just lose the one person I can't live without.

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