Black Hole

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Roseanne's P.O.V:

A million outfits rejected later and I'm finally half way decent. Call me a stupid girl. Call me whatever you want. I just want to look like I'm his type. 

Maybe I just found the reason why I get hurt all the time. 

Anyway, I hear before I see my best friend's silver Toyota pull up in the driveway. She's gonna freak. I already know. 

Grabbing my book bag and phone off the nightstand I take one last glance in the mirror. Hooonk. She's so impatient. I roll my eyes and take the stairs down two at a time. Then I bump into my mother who's standing at the bottom on her phone. "Watch where you're going sweetheart." Then she looks up from her phone and studies me. "What are you wearing? No. Go upstairs and change right now!" 

I don't have time for this. Kissing my mother on the cheek I dash out the front door. Hearing a chorus of, "Roseanne Janelle Austin!" and knowing it's my mother the entire time. I don't care. 

Avoiding my best friend's weird look I slid into the passenger seat. "Drive." All she does is stare at me. I turn and wave my hand in front of her face. "Stace. Did you hear me? I said drive please." That snaps her out of whatever daze she was just in. Only so I can be bombarded with questions.

"What are you wearing? You're doing this because of him aren't you? What'd you do to your hair? I didn't think you even liked metal core. Why didn't you listen to me? You said yes didn't you? You don't even know what he's like and you said yes! What's wrong with you?" 

So much for the support. I roll my eyes and look out the window. "Which question do you want me to answer first?" She sounds like my mother and honestly I don't even know what I'm doing at this point. Just that it feels like I've finally been accepted. Sounds stupid I know. Don't judge or do. That choice is up to you. 

From the corner of my eye I see her shake her head and put the car into gear. "I can't believe this." She mutters that under her breathe probably forgetting how good my hearing really is.

I did this because I wanted to. I'm not going to apologize for something that I want to do.

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