Who is that?

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Roseanne's P.O.V:

That stupid impala drove by me while I was walking to school. I didn't wake up early enough to catch my friend Stacy and she ditched me. That's normal though.

Sleep is something I cherish. It is precious to me and if I don't want to wake up at the crack of dawn I just won't. That's something she's just got to learn to deal with.

One light away and I can see the building; can't believe this is our last year.

I'm in my head waiting for the light to change and I feel like someone's watching me. Glancing over my right shoulder, I look behind me but nobody's there. So, I look over to my left and sure enough a boy sitting in the passenger seat of that beat-up black impala is starting at me.

He's got pretty blue eyes. My favorite color. Even though he's the exact opposite of my type he's very attractive. I think he knows it too. I see a small smile form on the left side of his mouth and my idiot heart does a little skip. 

No. I can't do this to myself. I'll only get hurt again.

The memories of my last failed love story start playing in my mind and I quickly look away. I can't let him see me cry. As stupid as that sounds, I want a shred of my dignity as we start this first day back into hell.

My phone buzzes and I pull it out to see a text message from my bestie.

S ~ hai hai beautiful, what's taking you so long? I need my bestie heeerrrreeee! 😂🥺

She's such a riot, before I could answer the light turns green and the walk sign comes on. I quickly cross the street and onto school grounds.

Just to be caught up in an almost tackle hug by Stacy, "Giiiirrrrllllll, where have you been? I've been waiting for like ever!" I laugh at her childishness. She's my best friend but I'll be the first to admit she's kind of an airhead. "Well, I would've gotten here sooner had someone not ditched me." She gives me a look that clearly says, it's your fault for sleeping in. 

Then without me even saying anything she says, "You're crushing!" I make a shushing motion with my hand and she doubles over laughing. "Not so loud." She gives me one of her devilish smiles, "So, what's his name?"

"Promise you won't do anything?" I send her my best death glare which only seems to widen her evil smile. She's already up to no good, I can tell. "Honestly, I don't know his name but I think he goes to this school."

I have to half whisper because I didn't want anyone to overhear.

Then the familiar sound of an engine coming closer makes everyone stop and turn. It's that beat-up impala pulling into the school parking lot. I stop along with everyone else and stare as two boys get out.

Except only one of them catches my eyes and shoots a wink in my direction. This doesn't go unnoticed by my best friend who takes this as an opportunity to feed me some information about him in my left ear, "His name's Cole. He's more popular than the popular kids. Every girl wants to be with him and every guy wants to either hit him or be him. Except everyone's so scared of walking up to him because of his reputation. If he's taken an interest in you, babygirl, I suggest you run and don't look back."

This sends shivers down my spine. So what if he's a bad boy. 

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