Plan B

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Stacy's P.O.V:

So Xavier is out. That's fine. I'll just have to make this work myself. It'll be easy. 

Glancing around I spot another one of his victims. Her name is Lacy. She catches my eye and the look she gives almost makes me want to back out of this. But, I have to make him pay. He has to pay for what he did. 

I motion her over and she makes her way toward me. She's scary and when I say scary, I'm not exaggerating. She used to be this bubbly happy girl then Cole got ahold of her and that personality took a turn for the worst. Now she's dark, she's strange, she's scary. 

She stands in front of me now with a less than enthusiastic expression. "What do you want Barbie? It better be good." 

"Oh it is. I need you to do something for me." She squints her grey eyes in hesitation until I motion over to where my best friend is standing with the playboy. "It involves his downfall." That gets her attention.

"You don't even have to tell me what it is. I'm in." 

Good. I don't care who gets hurt. I just want Cole to pay. If Xav won't help me than I'll find someone who can. 

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