Just getting Started

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Stacy's P.O.V:

That girl is such an idiot. I've texted her a million freaking times and gotten nothing in response. If she's said yes to anything Cole has asked, I swear to you, she's not my best friend. I swear that she's on her own.

It's nearly midnight and I can't help but keep reading through the messages from Xav and I.

X~ He made me give him her number...

S~I'm sorry. I know how much you like her Xav. He's games always end the same.

X~That obvious huh? Lol. It's fine. I'm used to it. Just hope he doesn't hurt her. She doesn't deserve that. Ya know what I mean?

S~Yeah, I know what you mean. I have an idea. Something to let her see what kind of mistake she's making..

S~You and I both know that he's never going to change.

X~I don't like the sound of this but if it gets her to see that I'm the one who actually likes her then I'm in.

S~Good. Meet me after school tomorrow. My place. Don't bring your friend.

X~I don't like keeping secrets.

S~Do you want her to get hurt?


S~Okay then. My place after school. Alone. Got it?


S~You're coming alone right Xavier?

X~Yes ma'am.

S~Ew, you know that makes me feel old.

X~I know.

Hopefully he listens. This is all based around how good that boy can listen to directions. A plan has already started forming in my head. Call me cruel. Call me whatever you want at this point. I don't care. If she's said yes to him it's only a matter of time until she becomes just like the rest of us. 

This might also be revenge on Cole. I'm not revealing anything yet. All I need to make sure of tomorrow is that Xav is game, because if he's not all of this falls apart before my game even begins.

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