𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐕𝐈

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A/N: I made a slight change to the previous chapter so instead of Andrew and Liz going to Ocerallia, it will just be Andrew. Also this chapter will switch POV's a lot :)

Luke's POV

Five days have passed since I had last seen her,
spoken to her, held her, kissed her...

My whole body ached and my heart was heavy. I was furious as I was miserable, but more importantly I blamed myself for everything.

I must have done something terrible for her to suddenly abandon this alliance and me. I knew she was under pressure because of her friends death and my own father trying to stop me from marrying her, but I just couldn't understand why she left with hardly any explanations. Something just wasn't adding up.

I had asked everyone around here if they had overheard anything being said but they all seemed to be unaware of the situation. Even Lady Louise and Mari swore that they hadn't heard a thing and were just as surprised as I was.

All of the anxiety and concern I felt for Sophia's safety made me turn to Ashton, Michael and Calum for comfort and they had been of great assistance. They helped me go over the whole thing again to see if we could figure out anything more, but unfortunately, we had no luck.

I ordered guards to go search for Sophia from the moment she had first ran off, which of course, was against my fathers will. I had a heated argument with him about it and even with his absence he had ordered me to not go after her or join the guards on their search.

I, however, wasn't one for following his orders.

Jack's POV

"We checked every outbound ship that was leaving the kingdom. Ocerallias Queen must still be in Cadeiric-"

"But they didn't just disappear! The Queen doesn't know the land like we do so she can't have gone far. Find them. Go!" I exclaimed and the guard bowed and hurriedly walked out.

"Jack, she's been gone for almost a week. You'll never find her now." my mother said, coming over to where I was standing and I looked up from the map set out on the table.

"I have to at least try for my brother." I spat and she shook her head in return.

Luke had been gone for as long as Sophia had and we hadn't heard from him since. I stayed back at the castle just in case she showed up again, but I too feared that she wouldn't. I felt terrible for my younger brother and I missed the Queens presence around here. We were all put in such a bad mood that it affected everyone but my mother.

"Darling, Luke is back from his own search and has had no luck. I tell him it's pointless; that she's long gone, but he keeps on insisting." she added and I scowled, hating the sarcasm in her tone.

"What did you expect, mother? She was betrothed to him and they were only months from being wed!" I scoffed, beginning to grow impatient. "Luke deserves answers and he will get them sooner or later." I said and she simply let out a sigh and stormed out the throne room

Luke's POV

I walked into my chambers and threw my jacket to the side before going into the bathroom and filling up the round basin with cold water. I splashed my sweaty face in the hopes to cool off, when I heard the door open and close and my mother appeared a few seconds later.

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