𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐕𝐈

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Last nights party ended well after midnight and I was quite surprised with myself for waking up as early as I did, considering I had been very exhausted.

Despite my exhaustion, I had a wonderful time and so did all other guests. My ladies and I spent most of the night whispering, drinking and laughing at almost everything and everyone, much like Luke and his own friends.

I slowly sat up and rubbed my stiff shoulders as I crawled out of bed and headed towards the window. Positioning one of the pillows against the sill, I sat down on it and brought my knees up to my chest.

I leaned closer to the window and gazed up at the few fluffy clouds in the sky before I directed my eyes down to the dirt path and I spotted King and and William, the Duke of Avantia walking together.

With the party being just yesterday, the noblemen that Ben had invited from far away kingdoms were to stay here at Cadeiric for a few days, making it the perfect opportunity for me to join a few of their meetings and talk politics with them.

I decided to go freshen up first so I walked into the bathroom and ran the bath myself, not expecting any servants to come in at this time of morning.

About forty minutes later, I was all dried and changed into a long lavender coloured dress which was decorated with a jewelled belt at my waist. I had also successfully managed to pin my hair up in a bun and I had wrapped a gold band wrapped around it to keep it in place. Looking in the mirror, I was quite impressed with myself.

As I opened the door and strolled out of my bedchambers, I wondered if any of the girls were awake and after I earned a good morning from the guards, I went over to Louise's door which chambers were closest to my own.

"Good morning, your Grace," I heard Luke suddenly say just as I was about to knock on Louises door and I turned to see him at the top of the stairs.

"Good morning, Luke. I'm surprised to see you up so early." I said with a laugh as made his way over.

"Well I could say the same for you." he chuckled. "I was actually just heading down to the kitchens in hopes that the cooks would help  cure my hunger." he said which made me laugh. "But what are you doing up at this time?" he curiously asked just as another door was opened and Mari and Clara stuck their heads out.

"Oh, good morning your Majesties. We apologise for interrupting." they both gasped as they dipped their head for a bow.

"No, no, it's quite alright." Luke insisted, waving his hand about and stepping away from me. "I best be going anyways as I'm well awaited in the kitchens."

"Yes, I'm sure you always are." I laughed, watched him go over to the staircase but as he grabbed the wooden railing he turned and grinned.

"Well what can I say, a man like me has to eat." he said with a flat smile. "But don't worry, I'll be around after if you need entertainment" he winked before he ran down the stairs.

"Look at him flirting with you already!" Mari exclaimed as her and Clara ran over and they grabbed on to my arms excitedly. "If you need entertainment? Yes please." she scoffed, making me slap her arm playfully.

"Did you see how he just winked at me?" I blankly asked and their eyes widened. "I didn't mean it like that! He does not like me... He's just in high spirits today." I argued, placing my hands on my hips, well knowing that there was no point in trying to get them to stop.

"Yes and he's not flirting with you at all." Clara sarcastically said, a smirk forming on her lips as she walked past me to knock on Louise's door and my jaw dropped slightly from at loss for words, causing Mari to laugh.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 | 𝐥.𝐫.𝐡Where stories live. Discover now